SUNSET ENDINGS GREETINGS EVERYONE! It feels like an age since I wrote my blog, two weeks, to be exact! I could not get on the internet, finally woke up and called ATT & got new password, who knew? I did write a blog last week. It was PRESENTS. When we give PRESENTS, give our PRESENCE too. I have been in a quiet mood during the holidays, thinking about this year, many other things. NOTICING how everything CHANGES new experiences, LETTING GO of old DESIRES, ATTITUDES, HABITS and THINGS. My, but it does feel good. I’m very AWARE how different my life is here at the VILLAGE. Life is much easier without the responsibilities I had before ( and I wasn’t even working)! So many services here to make all our lives easier and more pleasant. I have let go of are my herb garden. After hurting my leg last October, I just lost the interest, besides the dreadful heat. It was easy, actually, to LET IT GO. I was surprised. It shows me that when something is over it is o...