BLOOD LEAF FORGIVENESS This very powerful word, FORGIVENESS keeps showing up for me lately. It is a concept I have been dealing with all my life, for one reason or another. It is an uncomfortable word for me to say or to ponder because it usually brings up some form of guilt or regret I try so arduously to tuck away. Somehow in all my experiences I have understood FORGIVENESS to mean I have to do all the work, very one sided to be sure. I recently read another new concept about FORGIVENESS that makes perfect sense and frees me up enormously. Whenever I experience grief, blame, confusion about something that has happened to me as well as others, I seem to project my feelings outward to the other person and I’m left hanging with this incomplete feeling inside. In reading about FORGIVENESS, the author put the whole dynamic into perspective for me. “ Only FORGIVENESSS can stem such pain in us. An apology alone can’t possibly do it This kind of pain, held to the b...