The word ‘MATTER’ has a great many meanings that apply to a great many aspects of life. Without going into these various kinds of MATTER, I want to focus on the MATTER of IMPORTANCE.

When I look outside my window, I’m AWARE of the BEAUTY that surrounds me, the ORDER that is evident both inside and outdoors. The CARE that is evident by the staff that work tirelessly to make all our lives more comfortable. The CONVENIENCE of my apartment and the facilities here at the Village, the EFFICIENT way I have set up my life.

All of these MATTER to me! They are IMPORTANT to me so that I can better take care of myself and enjoy my life on a daily basis. So many things MATTER to me, my home, the people I associate with, my family and friends, time, beauty, inspiration, freedom, the foods I eat, getting plenty of rest, exercising everyday. It is very IMPORTANT to me the way in which I am with people I meet or know. Being kind, considerate, compassionate and understanding are what MATTER to me. Also knowing how to deal with disappointment and things not working out the way I would have liked. Doing my best not to take things personally.

It MATTERS to me that I can do certain activities and that I am letting go of certain activities I’m either unable to do or choose not to do anymore. This is the ultimate FREEDOM as far as I’m concerned. I love the INDEPENDENCE and the SUPPORT that I have.

There are expressions concerning MATTER that pop up now and then, like, ‘does it really MATTER?  It really doesn’t MATTER . . . As a MATTER of fact . . . Sometimes I get a wake up call to PAY ATTENTION to what MATTERS in a situation I was not prepared for. It is a test for me to respond in an appropriate way. I am AWARE of times when I’m sure something that happens doesn’t really MATTER to others. 

So that makes me think, in terms of the world, what does MATTER to the greater good? What can I do to make situations peaceful and harmonious? It MATTERS to me what I do and I’m at the point in my life when PAYING ATTENTION really MATTERS a lot. It makes all the difference in the world!

The way I know this
with certainty is
how I feel inside.




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