When I think of ORDINARY, I think of something familiar, customary or usual, nothing particularly out of the ORDINARY. Like this photo, do you see it as ORDINARY woods or EXTRAORDINARY WOODS? I have never seen leaves like the trees/bushes in the foreground that are shown here so I'd have to say they are extra 0RDINARY.

Most woods I see are very similar, which makes them ORDINARY to me and I seem to always like them, just as they are. I personally feel I am ORDINARY and I'm very pleased with that feeling. When I see something or someone who is ORDINARY, I feel comfortable, and I could approach them if I chose to. I resonate with the familiar qualities they have and feel 'at home' more readily than with someone or something too fragile, decorated, distant and forbidding.

I feel that anything ORDINARY that is real, authentic or wholesome is from NATURE. It's man, at least for the most part, that 'gussies' things up to make them more irresistible , expensive, enviable and inaccessible. I realize the lure these items have for some but I'm most grateful it is no longer for me anymore. It makes my life infinitely more do-able.

Whenever we're doing something very ORDINARY, like brushing our teeth, it's more satisfying to 'give it our best', to focus on it and to face it, so to speak. If we're bored, be bored. If we're happy, be happy!

By living the SIMPLE life, which I'm doing more every day, I feel my life is ORDINARY. I relish this way of being and feel grateful for all the blessings of my younger life!

Wherever we are &

Whatever we are feeling

Just BE with it, easily.



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