One of the pleasures of my life is COMPLIMENTING people for whatever I notice about them. It could be their smile, their attire, their helpfulness, their ‘showing up’ for whatever it may be. I have noticed that it is an automatic response for me to COMPLIMENT someone for whatever. I also notice how it makes the other person respond, usually with a smile or an uplifted look on their face. I also notice how it makes me feel.

I also do my best to COMPLIMENT someone on their service to me and everyone. Sometimes I can tell that they are not quite themselves or attentive so I do my best to thank them for their service. I feel it is vital to share positive comments or feedback to people who are working so hard to serve and please others. I know the feeling from my days of serving others. It helps anyone to ‘come back to center’ and proceed.

Whenever I go for a walk by the lake, I always end the walk by sitting on a particular bench and soaking up the beauty. This morning a Muscovy duck was hunting and pecking for food. He was so gorgeous, with his shiny black feathers with a speck of white under his wing and his handsome red ‘mask’ on his face. He took a step into the sunlight and his feathers turned iridescent green! Oh did I COMPLIMENT him! What a delight!

I realized right then that if I wouldn’t have stopped to sit, I would never have seen this joyful sight! I definitely COMPLIMENT whatever I see in NATURE by ‘oohing and ahhing’ every few feet! It’s the way it is with me. It also makes me more AWARE period! I’m grateful for that, it makes my life richer and more fulfilled.

One of the most important things that bosses, friends, family members, parents, anyone not feeling well, etc. can do is extend a kind word and COMPLIMENT them in some way, such as trying to do something and not exactly succeeding. I’m remembering when I got a job in a small department store in California, I was terrified of the cash register. My boss stayed with me and taught me how easy it was and how to use it correctly. I’ll never forget the feeling of confidence that crept over me and how I was able to maintain that confidence. I recall thanking her profusely for the ‘lesson’!

Besides being KIND when COMPLIMENTING someone, it can’t help but lift the spirits on both sides, the giver and the receiver. Remember to COMPLIMENT yourself whenever you do something challenging, creative, daunting or awesome. See how many situations you encounter that deserves a COMPLIMENT. It is truly a pleasure!

To give and receive
Is one of life’s rewards!



  1. Yes! Compliments are so important!! I truly believe they can make the difference in a day for someone who isn't feeling well physically, or is "down" emotionally. A compliment means that not only have you noticed something nice, good, or attractive about them, but that you have noticed them as a person--which is incredibly important.


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