The word MIDDLE has been popping up in my mind lately. What does MIDDLE mean to you? It has a vast number of meanings for me. for instance in this photo, the MIDDLE scene show mountains, perhaps a forest of trees and even some big fat fluffy clouds hanging down to meet the mountain peaks.
Now if we were to go closer or further away from this scene, the MIDDLE would be in a different perspective.
There are many MIDDLES . . . the MIDDLE of a sentence, of the road, ones waistline, ones life, ones thoughts, on and on. MIDDLE classes is a poignant one. Interruption when doing something (right in the MIDDLE of doing something.)
Being interrupted or sidetracked can be very disconcerting, to say the least and it also can be a wake-up-call to PAY ATTENTION to what is going on with you or around you. Sometimes it can be a life-saver because it brings us back to CONSCIOUSNESS to what is going on and can stop an idea or an action that is not on a high level!
The MIDDLE road is something I have paid attention to from Buddha's teachings. When Buddha began his journey he had no possessions, very little to wear and maybe 2-3 grains of rice each day to eat. He was guided to barely survive in order to be 'holy'. He watched people living like this and barely breathing let alone functioning. He could see that to go the MIDDLE way and be CONSCIOUS of what he was eating and procuring along the way was much wiser, rather than going to the far extreme of starving oneself. On the other hand there were those who stuffed their faces and their pockets with as much of food and other resources as they could.
Ahhhh, the MIDDLE WAY! This to me is the wisest, most sensible and easiest of all the ways one can go. It helps me be moderate and ALERT to what I consider a substantial amount of whatever it is that will sustain me perfectly. The whole GREED syndrome so many people imbibe in these days usually does not grant comfort, satisfaction and gratification to one that seeks for more, more, more.
I use the MIDDLE way to gauge and guide myself as to seek what I need and want! It works for me and I don't ever need to wonder whether I have enough or not enough or too much of anything. When I get caught off guard one way or the other I can quickly observe 'where I'm at' by how I'm feeling.
Go the MIDDLE way
whenever seeking the
necessities of LIFE!
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