I have another dream I had to share. (It was a bit of science fiction, to be sure).There were huge chartreuse tanks of something all lined up., lying down side by side. Then I was out in a desert of some kind, although there were rolling hills. There were other people as well and we were 'exploring' something on the earth. We dug huge, long ditches every few feet and suddenly, I was looking at them all lined up from the air. 

I knew that whatever was happening was a good thing but I had no clue what it was. It seemed like an experiment of some kind. There appeared to be many more 'tanks springing up everywhere. There were small chartreuse kerchiefs on each one like a small scarf to 'label' them somehow.

Now the 'tanks' became graves of some kind or a 'place' for friends and family members to congregate and acknowledge their loved ones. Most of these people were very angry because they felt their loved ones were not being honored.

I watched as several family members tried to remove these chartreuse kerchiefs. I was approaching different ones trying to reason with them. For some reason it was important to leave them alone. It had to do with a scientific and technological 'experiment' about bodies as to whether they would be 'preserved' properly. It all seemed very critical that people be honored. (this was all very chaotic and  tensions ran very high.)

Then a group of the disturbers gathered together and I watched a young woman( which was also me) screaming at them about the vital  importance of realizing how we need to have a balanced world in which all the qualities of a human were honored and respected as as well as technical and scientific aspects included in each person's body and in their life. We need the balance for procreating other human beings  successfully for the FUTURE so that we develop and mature into AWARE, CONSCIOUS AND CAPABLE human beings!

If each person who is out of balance, he/she will be too mechanical and technical, like a robot or  mechanical person. There will be just intellect, learning and advancement in the scientific realm for themselves or for man kind. If he/she is too human, with only heart, feelings and COMPASSION, there will be little advancement for mankind, only sentimental, personal, subjective, stuff floating around and no objective TRUTH to bump up against.

The woman screaming (myself) was so CLEAR in her exclamations!  The FUTURE would be filled with people who were clear about their FUTURE, their lives and the lives of others, where they were headed or strictly emotional blobs bopping along with little or no aim in life. One does not have to reach far to see the unrest and chaos that would be! Violence would be at an all time high!

When I woke up, I felt liberated realizing that at present time we are not doing so hot with our skills and our 'working things out'. I do see the incredible increase of heart-felt  matters and expression abounding world wide in certain ways, as well as the violence, deceitful and lying ways in other ways.

I feel hopeful that with quite a lot of 'TWEAKING', we will be a CIVILIZATION of well balanced people who can use all of our facilities ( both scientific and matters of the heart and mind) to live together, work together, plan together, play together, honestly to PROTECT ourselves and each other and live HARMONIOUSLY in this world!






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