ARTICHOKE WHAT IF How many times have you heard a child or an adult ask, “WHAT IF. . .? “ It is such a normal question because it is an unknown phenomenon that is perfectly natural to wonder about? WHAT IF the stars fall out of the sky? WHAT IF the sun or moon doesn’t ‘rise’ for no reason? What if I planted a yellow daffodil bulb and it came up purple? I don’t remember being particularly inquisitive as a child and it’s a pity. Most likely I was not paid attention to. Somehow had the idea that I should already know the answers to some of my ‘silly’ questions. No one ever told me ‘ there are no silly questions!’ This does not apply only to children . . . it also applies to adults, particularly elderly adults, uninformed or un educated adults who couldn’t possibly know the answer to their questions. I’m thinking of adults who are from other countries or inexperienced adults in some area. I had a ‘flash’ of insight about ‘WHAT IF’S’ the other day. ‘WHAT IF’ a pe...