
ADJUSTMENTS are the name of the game in LIFE! No matter what the occasion, there seems to always be an ADJUSTMENT of some kind to be made. This does not have to be a huge ADJUSTMENT, like tearing down a wall to replace it with a window, or pruning or repotting houseplants so they have room to absorb water and new soil. Another word for ADJUSTING is tweaking something, like turning a flower plant 1/4/turn.

A basic reason for ADJUSTING anything is ‘CHANGING something that does not work well or serve us in a way it once did’. That encompasses a whole raft of different criteria, anywhere from a living condition, including the building itself or the people who live there. I have found it to be much more satisfactory to ‘move’ or change something that doesn’t work.

However, if we can’t move or re-do some area of our life, then we can learn to ADJUST to it. First of all, I feel it takes a period of LETTING GO of the upset, disappointment, or hurt that is usually located in our gut or throat. It may take a few minutes, days even weeks to settle into an OPENING for the new, the creative and the ingenuity to sally forth. If that is our INTENTION, it will most assuredly manifest itself.

I am amazed at how quickly and easily I have ADJUSTED to moving and ADJUSTING to living at the Village! It surprises me that the move has been so easy to ADJUST to. There are a few things that are so minor they almost don’t count. I find myself being able to work around them. I ‘clean ‘something. The other day I rearranged some boxes in my closet. It felt great to do that since it was ‘bugging’ me for months. I also can putter with my plants, always fun.

I’m speaking completely from my own experience about ADJUSTING, (and ‘tweaking’) about some areas. I’m beginning to miss not having my car.  I didn’t drive it for two months before selling it. I sold it two weeks ago and suddenly, I miss her and think about places I could go ‘if I only had a car’. Nothing is urgent since I have been taken places I want to go by a couple of friends, which I feel is most generous. Of course there is always the shuttle for necessities, as well.

So after I ADJUST to my new situation, The way things are settle down and realize I am most fortunate to have what I have. I’m sure there are people who I could call on if needed. I somehow feel reluctant to ask for help in this area. I need to ADJUST to ‘asking’ because that usually is not a problem for me.

So the more time passes and the more opportunity presents itself I will ADJUST to whatever is needed. I have become even more organized in my ‘list making’ and shall continue to watch my ATTITUDE and BEHAVIOR in the future.

I find myself ADJUSTING to
 Comfortable and uncomfortable
Situations with KINDNESS.



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