BLOOD LEAF REEVALUATION Now that Thanksgiving is over, there is a feeling in the air for some of us to hustle and bustle preparing ourselves for the Christmas season. It does somehow lop over each other, particularly when we see Christmas decorations, sales, etc, bombarding our every move, at least in the stores. I am learning to waltz right past them and proceed on with my task at hand. I feel blessed that I have recognized the VALUE of Christmas within my self and for my family in recent years. I have not, however, come to terms with the nonsense out there that others buy for their loved ones. I know it is none of my business and very judgmental of me to even notice others purchases, so I am doing my best to turn the other way and bless them for their ideas and choices. There is an acceleration and a panic, if you will, in some of us that we want to please our friends and family and possibly impress them with our generosity. It seems to me that this is an old pat...