I find it astounding that Thanksgiving is upon us! It has been a year since I moved into the Village and I have experience so many changes since I have arrived that I can scarcely believe I am the same person since a year ago.  I’ve experienced everything in a positive way as far as living here, with so much support, communication, interests and accomplishments.

Other ‘happenings’ have happened that I was not prepared for but that is the way of LIFE. I am learning how to deal with them, but not without the help of many different people.

I first heard this term in a movie called 'The Spiral Road' with Burl Ives and I have never forgotten it. I is a lesson that has urged me on many times.

Each ‘happening’ is not the same, or at least not in the same place. When LIFE comes around again, such as holidays, we are not in the same place as last time. We each travel around ‘the sun’ so to speak, at a higher level, we actually SPIRAL upward and inward on all levels.

Sometimes it doesn’t feel like it is higher or more inward when situations flare up, disappointment arise and we notice our AGING process changing. I know in my heart that that is exactly what is happening and what is needed. We seek out help in various ways for relief and sometimes it makes a difference. Sometimes it doesn’t.

If we are willing to BREATHE and go with the flow, the sluggishness of SPIRALING AROUND can be so much easier. I am aware of this PROCESS everyday and I know that PATIENCE, TRUST AND SLOWING DOWN our minds at least, great things are POSSIBLE. What I’m noticing is that my mind is going full tilt while my body is putting on the brakes in subtle ways.

I am working on letting go of activities and desires that no longer work for me or are of no interest anymore. A complete and utter shock to me. My garden for example, is a deep love that I have let go of. I have however substituted houseplant collections as a very satisfying substitute. I feel it is essential to substitute one activity or interest for a more appropriate one to keep mind, body and spirit humming.

Just remember, we never stay the same. We SPIRAL upward each day even if it seems we might be going downhill or backwards. Some days feel like that, but just as the sun comes though the clouds, we too come through our clouds of illusions.

I have found that doing one activity (at least) a day is very beneficial for all aspects of our LIFE. Sometimes it is as simple as a walk around the lake, going to the dining room, meeting someone in the hallway. All this might sound like a repeat of what we do everyday. If so we can branch out and try something new and different.

Envision yourself SPIRALING around and upward as you fall asleep at night and wake up in the mornings. Before going to sleep, it is best to think positive thoughts so that the subconscious has that to work on while we sleep.  We are in control of a great deal in our ways of thinking. 

We can help ourselves along by envisioning a SPIRAL road. Also a chambered nautilus sea shell, my favorite as a reminder of our journey.  Did you know that a chambered nautilus (sea animal) packs up his ‘home’ and travels upward and onward to the next ‘home ‘ for himself? He takes only what he needs on his journey to the next ‘home’ and is completely taken care of by nature. I love that image!

We go on a SPIRAL road
As we live our life
We are never in the same place
Circling around.



  1. I love this message! It is true and helpful and comforting. We are so proud of you! Happy Thanksgiving to all who read this!


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