There are many, many different occasions in which we celebrate ANNIVERSARIES. The most frequent and regular occasions are birthdays, weddings, graduations, moving from place to place or even job to jobs. There can even be occasions when baby losing her first tooth, my guinea pig died, I got my first puppy . . . who knows how many ways of celebrating festive moments. It is a time for each of us to remember some significant, meaningful event that brings back memories of ACCOMPLISHMENT.

I will celebrate my move to the Village on November 5 (2017). It hardly seems possible that it is a year ago that my family, friends and I gathered my belongings and moved into my apartment. I was so excited and satisfied with the new abode in every way and I still am.

ANNIVERSARIES are milestones that should be celebrated because of all the work and effort that we put forth to make something significant happen. It is not to be taken lightly. Many events, good feelings, disappointments and triumphs take place in the year(s)that follow the main event. We should not take any of them for granted. 

We should pay particular ATTENTION to ANNIVERSARIES that take place in the lives of children. All the celebrations and accolades that are remembered build a sense of confidence, achievement and respect for a job well done. This means even if the outcome isn’t exactly the way we would have wanted it. It is still an ACCOMPLISHMENT that has meaning.

Whatever means something special to someone about anything, should be a reason for celebration of an event. Sometimes the events are painful and brimming with loss and misfortune, such as a war or an accident. These occasions deserve our focused attention and recognition. When those ANNIVERSARIES come around again, we usually can remember what we were doing and where we were when they occurred. This means something and is a tribute to all of us for being a part of a disaster, even if it doesn’t (seemingly) affect us directly. It still affects us somewhat and deserves our respect.

Wherever we are or whatever we are doing, let us show our unity and closeness by celebrating our ANNIVERSARIES. They are to be cherished and honored as a part of our humanity, because EVERYBODY has ANNIVERSARIES TO CELEBRATE.




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