A COMMITTEE MEETING TRIPS LIFE is indeed a trip . One can take a planned trip or an unplanned trip. I’ve found that the UN-PLANNED variety are the most surprising and challenging. Considering the whole of LIFE, it is best to prepare for both kinds of TRIPS as much as possible. As careful and conscious as I am about the safety of my living environment, I experienced the un-planned TRIP last week, the 11 th to be exact. I bent down to carry some dishes to the table and WHAM, I went down like a ton of bricks, landing on my back and bumping my head. It didn’t really hurt but oh my, was I dizzy. The room kept spinning! The ambulance came and I was taken to the hospital, for 2 days. Five different tests showed nothing wrong but I was wobbly, so I’m now using a walker that I find most helpful. Fortunately I have home care, a physical therapist and a therapist twice a week all of who come to my apartment. I consider myself blessed beyond words that I’m receiving such good...