LIFE is indeed a trip. One can take a planned trip or an unplanned trip. I’ve found that the UN-PLANNED variety are the most surprising and challenging. Considering the whole of LIFE, it is best to prepare for both kinds of TRIPS as much as possible. As careful and conscious as I am about the safety of my living environment, I experienced the un-planned TRIP last week, the 11th to be exact.

I bent down to carry some dishes to the table and WHAM, I went down like a ton of bricks, landing on my back and bumping my head. It didn’t really hurt but oh my, was I dizzy. The room kept spinning! The ambulance came and I was taken to the hospital, for 2 days. Five different tests showed nothing wrong but I was wobbly, so I’m now using a walker that I find most helpful.

Fortunately I have home care, a physical therapist and a therapist twice a week all of who come to my apartment. I consider myself blessed beyond words that I’m receiving such good care. It has paid off greatly that I have taken such good care of myself and apartment all along.

I’m feeling some pain now and then but the biggest change that has come about is that I have not had one panic attack since the fall. Also I cough much less than before. I don’t understand it but I can assure you I am most grateful. It is like changing my clothes or something quite radical.  It is possible I won’t be driving for a while, if ever again. THAT is a tough pill to swallow! All the strange sensations or pain is just part of ‘growing up’! Ah CHANGE!

I have been offered support and assistance by family and a few friends that have meant so much. I accept most heartily whatever is offered. I can ask for help when needed and know it is acceptable as well. When I looked around at the hospital and here at the Village, I understand people’s situations and pain in a much deeper way. We all carry a certain amount of discomfort inside us, whether it is mental or physical. The key for me is to push through the resistance, the fear and the newness  of my situation and do the best I can. I also ‘resigned’ from some responsibilities I had that eases any pressure I needn’t have. ‘Easy does it’ is my motto and already with the help of professionals, am gaining strength and confidence everyday.

I find it vital to listen to myself and follow my heart ( and my head sometimes) and proceed through life one day at a time. Guess what? Things in Life are IMPERMANENT.

Oh let me ACCEPT the things I cannot change,
CHANGE the things I can,
And the WISDOM to know the difference.



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