DELIGHT This is one of my favorite words! The sight of it, the sound of it and the meaning of DELIGHT . . . DELIGHTS ME. I begin my day by opening my blinds and looking out to the trees and the lake, every morning! Then I see the ducks waddling about and the magnificent egret(s) prancing around. Lately I’ve watched the Whistling ducks, I saw a mama, daddy and 3, yes 3 tiny babies running then swimming together! Such a DELIGHT! More and more I am enamored with NATURE. I can always fine something that makes me NOTICE something that is present that perhaps I never NOTICED before. Sometimes it is as simple as a limb on an old oak tree, or the markings on the Muscovy ducks. A DELIGHT is more than just in Nature. I have recently had a few conversations with people that were completely DELIGHTFUL! It makes me feel so uplifted and grateful to know them and share in some special conversations. It stays with me for a long time. The key for me is to listen to them...