Well, well! I’m another year older since I wrote you . . . a magical 85 years young! Can this be me I’m speaking of? Indeed, it is and gratefully so! It is a marvelous realization to contemplate all the experiences I’ve had that has led me to this place, space really. I’m more in awe of LIFE each day as I steer my vessel in the direction that calls to me or speaks to me.

Lately I’ve been reminded of activities I used to do but now no longer either can do (physically) or choose not to do because of lack of interest ; things that just don’t inspire me. Remember, when one interest or ability wanes, there are 3 more new ideas about to burst into bloom. It’s actually quite FREEING to have CHOICES narrowed down for me.

·      I was sharing some feelings with someone about these challenges and how I felt adrift . . .like nothing to ‘hang’ onto and she suggested a meditation. She mentioned ways that I am SUPPORTED in my life at all times . . . NOTICING the couch on which I sat, the trees outside, the sun shining through the window, the earth and grass outside, my apartment, my bed, the sidewalks, on and on. I woke up to the fact that I am indeed SUPPORTED in a myriad of ways here at the Village by loving, capable, kind people who really care for me and everyone else living and working here. Quite a realization and a new place to stand in gratitude and wonder.

After waking up from my narrow mindedness, I am seeing the wonder and the rhythm of life. It never ceases to inspire, uplift and beckon me on to new discoveries everyday about myself and LIFE. It’s like being a deep sea diver, swimming deeper in the sea and suddenly there is a whole new vista in front of me drawing me into their world.

Imagine every single day, sea life is doing their color show and taking care of themselves as best they can. The beauty is so awesomely beautiful that I am unable to fully describe what is going on inside me.

I have to realize over and over all the marvelous SUPPORT systems that are around me and within me. I had a vision of a whispy cloud of blue and white surrounding my heart and felt some sadness melt away. It was remarkable. I was reminded that that was ME, my inner self, SUPPORTING me just when I needed it most. It is ALWAYS available to us when we stop long enough to BREATHE and CARE for ourselves. CARING for myself is high on my priority list these days. It fulfills me like no other.

The next time you are feeling a little off balance, give yourself the gift of being still and focusing on what is going on and where in your body the message is coming from. No one can ever convince me that we have only medical science to heal us, we can do a flower basket full of good for ourselves.

Remember where your SUPPORT
Comes from,
Within and without.



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