I have very recently ACCOMPLISHED something that means a great deal to me, invaluable actually. A year ago on my birthday my son and daughter in love gave me a truly valuable gift. It was a gift of writing my life's journey for a year with STORYWORTH. At the end of the year, in July, when I completed all my 'stories', I received a printed copy of what I had written, including photographs. It was such a profound feeling when I received the book, knowing I had ACCOMPLISHED this endeavor and had something wonderful to show for it!

STORYWORTH is a company that offers this 'gift' for anyone willing and able to write a 'story' a week either by answering a question they send or from the memories and experiences that you want to share. I did this not only for my own GRATIFICATION, but to share with family and friends.

I have to say that it was a joy and a very enjoyable time I spent each week writing about things that had meaning to me and I wanted to share them. Some of the questions they sent me had no meaning for me and I would recall some memory I'd tucked away, dusted it off and wrote about it. Most of the memories and writings were happy, meaningful to me and easy to recall and write. There were some sad memories that I wrote about but they quickly passed once I wrote them down. 

A few years ago I took the time (several months) to sort through my photographs and put special ones in albums, several. I loved doing that! It was a huge ACCOMPLISHMENT I can tell you. (incidentally i gave the ones I didn't want any more to family and threw the rest away!) It was a huge relief! So when I needed a photo to go with a story, I just went to my albums and chose one! 

It was such a sense of RELIEF to know that my family will have this book of my life's journey to know me in a deeper way. I knew very little about my grandparents and always felt sad about that, I was indeed missing something. It's a legacy that I'm proud to share and pass down to them.

One of the many gifts i received from writing this down was the deep knowing of how rich and actually charmed my life has been. Incidences I had forgotten about or deemed unimportant suddenly came alive for me and I could share them! I also was able to let go of certain experiences that didn't work out or were not really that important to me anyhow. 

It truly is a marvelous ACCOMPLISHMENT and I'm happy to say, not a tedious one even though it was once a week i wrote about something. the stories were 1-1/2 pages on the computer. After writing each one i emailed STORYWORTH, they saved each one and when I was finished, I let them know the order i wanted the stories in and they published the book!

If anyone is interested in writing your life's story with lots of support you can contact 


Please tell them my name, Julanne Weisberg and you'll get great service.

I sincerely hope that this may inspire some of you to write your story for yourself and your family. I know there are people who have wanted to do something like this but didn't know where to start!

Here's your big chance!

Writing one's life down


spills out to those who know you.



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