I awoke this morning with an amazing REVELATION. I had come to the last page of my journal and, I wanted to complete the journal with some profound REVELATION. Completions are very important to me and so I chose my thoughts and feelings and words very carefully.

I reviewed my spiritual beliefs, writing them down and then something told me to go back and peruse what I had written in the recent past. I don’t re-read my journal entries as a rule but I was drawn to a particular page and found 2 pages I had written that best describe my core beliefs. It was all completely inspired and so well written I felt that it was an epiphany! It felt like I finally revealed to myself what I felt and who I am. It was incredibly FREEING.

Beliefs passed down to me over the years have been just that, passed down and I never was sure if I believed them, or if I should believe them. When I started studying and investigating TRUTH on my own, I was/am able to discern THE UNIVERSAL TRUTH and my TRUTH. What a REVELATION!!! I have been on this quest, seriously, for seven years; trying new and different ways to feel the inner peace I knew was available.

At the same time, I developed panic attacks and a lot of anxiety over seemingly insignificant situations. It is called ‘generalized anxiety.’ I have struggled with them but have found the best way to handle the stress of them is to just put one step in front of the other and PERSEVERE doing whatever is before me to do next. I usually  flow into a feeling of deep peace. It has helped me function in my life, leading me to moving to the Village, speaking up (and writing) what I see and feel and diminishing the fear I experience.

Interestingly enough, significant and large events don’t bother me as much as small day to day happenings that are no big deal like going shopping, to dinner, being with friends. I now know (in my heart, my TRUTH ) that the uncomfortable  sensations I experience is Spirit in me loving and supporting me. I also am seeking medical advice. This is some kind of an initiation or something I need to go through. All of this has empowered me to live my life much more CONSCIOUSLY and PURPOSEFULLY than ever before.

I write in my journal 5-6 times a week and I did come across a page devoted to my INTENTION for my life, particularly since I have moved into the Village. I have achieved everything that is on my list! It is very important to me to live my days here in CONSCIOUSNESS, INTENTION and PURPOSE. I have found them here (plus much more).

The biggest REVELATION of all for me is that living at the Village provides a ‘canvas’, an ‘arena’ that makes it possible for me to express myself and experience WHO I AM …AND it’s not always comfortable! It’s that for everyone, anywhere. It isn’t essential to move to a new home like I did, it can happen anywhere. It’s like a big, gorgeous juicy apple tree, anyone can ‘pick’ from it.
I invite you to LOOK and UNCOVER the REVELATIONS in your life anew. They are there if we are sincere and OPEN in our daily endeavors.  It’s a REVELATION to even contemplate that!

When we
Open a present,
Unwrap the paper,
Ahhh, a REVELATION . . .



  1. Love this new format...and you revelations. You are becoming such a pro!

    1. Excellent and inspiring as usual. Love your blogs, joel


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