What are PASTTIMES? Perhaps something to PASS the TIME in order to feel like we
are doing something. A hobby, a game, learning a new skill, research about some
topic we are or have been very interested in, an invention or discovery that
fascinates us or is just plain fun.
Since I have moved into the Village, I have re-discovered
activities I used to do or have been too lazy to investigate a new way of being. My first and top priority is
exercise, mostly balance, stretching, walking, back strengthening, and
gardening. This week, I attended a yoga-meditation class and an ‘aquacise’,
(water aerobics) class, both I find delightful.
I’m amazed at how much better my body and mind feel doing
these physical and mindful activities! I may have mentioned this before but it
bears repeating because it is making such a difference. Many people participate
but there are many who do not. I’m sure that it is because they are in pain,
stiff or bored. A hobby could be as simple as buying one house plant and caring
for it as if it were a baby.
As I,( we) are aging, I feel we must change our mind and attitude about what we are willing to do
and what we are not . . . I feel I have no choice if I want to keep moving and
enjoying my life fully. I never fail to feel better when I do at least 1 or 2
activities each day, physical and/or mental. I feel tired and satisfied at the
same time and when I notice how my body is responding to every day tasks, I’m
ever so thankful I push myself.
I also love the selection we’re given and the choice is
always ours. I always enjoy BINGO. It is exciting to not only play my best but
to NOTICE all the benefits I derive (besides occasionally winning some money!)
that bingo teaches me. For example: good sportsmanship (when I lose), paying
attention to the caller, focusing on each number called, discipline, yes,
discipline to be patient and attentive. I love it.
This week I taught a class called SMALL STONES. The
participants loved it and want to continue meeting and writing more.
Basically SMALL
STONES is a way of writing very short personal ‘thoughts’ on paper. It is
similar to Haiku, the ancient Japanese art of writing about nature.
For example:
Pure white plum blossoms
Slowly begin to turn
The color of dawn.
The new year arrived
In utter simplicity----
And a deep blue sky.
With a SMALL STONE, we can write one sentence and divide it
into 3 lines. It doesn’t matter how many syllables but it is best to write it
in 3 lines. There are 6 senses to focus on:
One can be inside
or outdoors and notice something described in one of the senses and write it
quickly without really thinking about
it. You’ll be amazed at what you will
write. It’s all ‘inside’ waiting to be expressed.
Take a small journal or notebook with you when you go for a
walk and just NOTICE something and write it down. For example, I wrote:
The soft feel of the leaf
Makes me want to curl up
Inside it.
Beautiful gray clouds overhead
As a squirrel carries
A pinecone in his mouth.
What has happened to me over time is that I perceive everything differently that I see (or???) just by NOTICING it and ‘writing
‘in my head or in my journal. This entire experience has AWAKENED me to the
beauty and magnificence of LIFE.
Whatever you do, decide on one PASTIME to spend some time with. It doesn’t matter what it is,
as long as it pleases you and brings some joy to your life. It will ease your
mind and body in ways you can’t imagine.
As I sit here,
I hear a bird singing
In the distance.
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