Bue Sky Vine

A day doesn’t go by without me learning some kind of LESSON about myself! It is amazing! For instance, today I played the game, bingo with about 20 people, (who are regulars) and enjoyed every minute of it. I didn’t win today but I have won a few games in the past. Bingo teaches me so much. It is easy for me to play the game and eye opening to watch myself get excited at the possibility of winning. Just like a kid! If I don’t win I am happy for the one(s) who do win each time.

I am learning to see people as people, as children, adults and aging adults who shine on their own no matter what they are doing. It really doesn’t matter what I am doing, I learn something about myself that is enlightening even if I don’t get the result I want. One important LESSON for me is not to take anything personally . . . like not ‘winning’ at bingo.

The other night I asked someone who was waiting alone to have dinner with me. We waited a very long time to be served because one of the restaurants is being renovated so there were many more people all waiting for their dinner. It reminded me of girl scout days singing the song , . . .“here we sit like birds in the wilderness waiting for out food.” Somehow remembering that song made us feel better.

When I feel IMPATIENT and DISAPPOINTED in something, I look around and see others feeling the same way. To stir up a sense of humor when this happens for any reason really has taught me that ‘this too shall pass’ and TIMING is everything. For instance, it was much better TIMING to have a garden bed ready for me a couple months after I moved in. I was too busy getting settled and exploring everything to be able to give it any attention. Now it is a place of joy watching my herbs and flowers grow.

Since I have moved to the Village I have learned a LESSON about living in a community of people who are all sharing a remarkable change in their life style. It is very new to me, as well, and I feel blessed each day with the resources and the staff of people who make my (our) life much easier and more pleasant. I changed doctors and the ‘new’ doctor actually comes to the Village to see patients. I am most pleased with every person who is in service here. Everyone is extremely helpful and prompt. It makes me feel so cared for, acknowledged and honored as a human being with needs. Some people even call me offering assistance.

One of my favorite LESSONS, if you will, is my consistency with exercising everyday. I am amazed at how much better I feel. I attend 6 classes a week that are making me stronger, more flexible and relatively pain free. I know it is because I attend classes with other people. We are supporting each other through each class, it truly makes a difference.

I NOTICE my sense of humor is much more present in situations I used to be not pleased with. I have fun so much more in doing the usual things in my life. My life is EASE, PEACE and COMFORT. What a gift.

One of the most significant LESSONS in my life here is that in my spiritual practice, I give THANKS and APPRECIATION for all my LESSONS and BLESSINGS. I no longer feel needy or lacking like I used to living alone. There is always someone who can help me or know someone who can.

Probably my greatest LESSON is to see everything as a LESSON or an OPPORTUNITY to give to myself or someone else. They invite COOPERATION. Smiling and speaking to someone, opening a door, giving a direction, asking how ‘they’ are doing today . . . all such simple acts but oh so appreciated and welcomed. Sometimes just smiling is enough.

A LESSON is designed to
Help us learn, grow and
 expand into the ‘highest’
and best in ourselves.



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