The PURPOSE of these blogs and ORGANIZE YOUR LIFE classes is to support you all to have a more SIMPLE, EFFICIENT and COMFORTABLE life so that you can derive more PLEASURE, EASE AND HAPPINESS from everyday LIVING!


Moving to the VILLAGE is a very big change for each of us. You have recently moved from a home that was familiar, comfortable, and filled with memories of every description. It is a challenge unlike any other. Some people come here willingly, and for others it has been difficult, I’m sure. You have endured the most challenging part, the part about choosing what to bring with you, what other things go to . . . and actually moving everything here.

Now is the time for you to take advantage of the OPPORTUNITY to CREATE a new HOME, in a new way. I say OPPORTUNITY because it is the way I am choosing to think of anything that is happening. No easy task. I come from a place of GRATITUDE that I have such a beautiful, simple, and convenient place to live my life!

I moved to the Village on November 5, 2017 from Gainesville. I lived here for 15 years and so my move was relatively simple. I was a professional organizer for 22 years so I know how to RE-CREATE an environment. I know how important it is to CREATE a space to be as SIMPLE as possible, along with CONVENIENT, COMFORTABLE AND EFFICIENT. It still felt daunting in the beginning, even though I knew where each piece of furniture was to  go before I moved in. I plunged in and began unpacking and placing items.

Along with the PROCESS of SETTLING in, which actually is an inner process and very personal, there was the information pouring in of all the activities available to us. This made me feel very uncomfortable until I realized I needed to feel SETTLED in my home before I could ever really enjoy ‘outside’ activities. I decided that all the activities would be here when I was ready. I spent the first month SETTLING in so that I felt COMFORTABLE and was not scrambling to find certain items. Of course, I ate my meals here, met people and attended a few events. After the month of really making my apartment my HOME, I felt comfortable going out on my adventure to see what I wanted to participate in and what I did not.

Each of us has our own rhythm about all this PROCESS and nothing should be hurried. It takes some people longer to make decisions than others and that’s the way it is. If you feel you have placed all your belongings in their place, we can always look again and see if everything ‘fits’ the way that is most CONVENIENT. Sometimes we decide that some of our furniture is too large for the space, or we don’t have enough room for certain things we really want to keep. It is a time of ‘spring housecleaning’ in a sense, a freshening up. Some may not want to be bothered but I can assure you that even ‘moving a spoon’ to a better space can make a huge difference.

I really do like to know where everything is and not have to go from place to place hoping I’ll find ‘it’! That is what is happening and I’m at PEACE and CONTENT living here. I love to come home, walk into my apartment and find it neat and tidy and HOMEY, ‘WELCOMING’. I feel warm and COMFORTABLE inside and very PEACEFUL.

I will talk much more about ideas that are short cuts and tips, if you will, to living a more ordered and simpler life in the next parts of this series. It all boils down to one basic principle:


In the upcoming 2 weeks, it’s best to focus on the ATTITUDE you want to embody during this SETTLING IN period. ATTITUDE is the key to a happy, pleasant life, on that we all wish to have. You will be changing things around from time to time but for NOW, begin the PROCESS of deciding on ‘what should go where’ in order to make a ‘HOME’, a place to abide in so that it is CONVENIENT.   You will discover some things you brought with you, you actually don’t want any more or they don’t ‘fit’. Also you will discover some things ( small usually) that you wish you had brought. That feeling lasts with me about 20 seconds.

Remember this:
This is your new home. You have chosen to make a new home here and it can be done in good time.
Take the OPPORTUNITY to CREATE a new life, a new environment for yourself. With so many gifts and blessings, you’ll be amazed.
It is no accident you are here. Everything has a PURPOSE you don’t have to have all the reasons or answers.
Go with the flow and ENJOY!

Here are some key words to ponder while you go through the ORGANIZING YOUR LIFE PROCESS.


You might want to start a notebook to write them down, add more, and any questions or concerns you have.
There will be time to talk about issues that are important to you.
I will say, that once you have thought about this PROCESS and want to come to the class and read the blogs, you have already started the PROCESS.

Congratulations! I look forward to knowing you better and supporting you through this phase of your life. It is quite an adventure of self-discovery!

Hurray for the ones with
Curiosity and courage.
Life will continue to unfold for you!




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