PINK ROSE PHOTOGRAPHS The other day, I opened a box in my closet and found several small picture frames I had displayed in my home with cherished PHOTOS. I had removed the PHOTOS, but I couldn’t quite part with the frames. I decided on the spot to give them away. It was a huge relief to not have to think about them anymore. I put the PHOTOS in albums I had been filling over the years. It is such a consolation that I tackled the big job of sorting through boxes of pictures from eons ago. It was one of the most satisfying tasks I have ever done. I made a 12x12 inch scrapbook type album of my life and 6 – 9 inch albums for each of my 4 children, their dad and myself. The task seemed daunting at the time but as I perused all the photos and carefully selected the ‘best’ ones, it was a delight. To remember the look on my kid’s faces as they opened their album was worth all the effort. Looking at any PHOTO can bring up untold emotions, anywhere from sadness, tears, fear...