I have long known the VALUE of ACKNOWLEDGMENT, both kinds . . . GIVING and RECEIVING ACKNOWLEDGMENT. I know what it feels like to experience both kinds and it is one of the most satisfying feelings I can have. It is an experience I have that is positively visceral. My whole body feels elated.

I experienced that feeling many times last week with phone calls, birthday cards and well wishers ACKNOWLEDGING me and my birthday in such special ways. It made me realize, once again, the IMPORTANCE of recognizing and PAYING ATTENTION to someone we think of fondly and care about. How else can we communicate and make it known how we feel?

Many people seldom if ever received ACKNOWLEDGMENT growing up or after growing up from important people to us in any way. The theme for ‘growing up’ children seemed to be criticism and harsh words, certainly little praise or compliments. Even more reason that we need to ACKNOWLEDGE ourselves for every single thing we do, especially challenging events in our lives. Yes, it is perfectly all right and fitting that we ACKNOWLEDGE ourselves for simple things as well, like getting out of bed in the morning when we’d prefer to just stay there.

Living here at the Village is making me aware of all the people living here and working here. I am learning the many different QUALITIES one must have to live and work among so many people. Every day the service people show up and perform their tasks of caring for us. I make it my business to ACKNOWLEDGE them and thank them for their accomplishments.

All that is required here is calling the person in charge of what we need and asking them to please take care of something or other. I APPRECIATE and ACKNOWLEDGE their work every chance I get. I also ACKNOWLEDGE, even in a small way, people I talk with even for a moment. It makes me feel good inside and I can tell the other person likes it because they respond in some way, a smile, a ‘thank you’. For some, it is the only kind word they hear all day. 

ACKNOWLEDGMENT is an attitude I have developed in myself that has become my natural way of being. I always can find something nice or KIND to say to someone. It has become automatic and keeps me away from any critical judgment I may have looming up from the depths of somewhere. It is a trait or habit I wish to continue. It has helped me enormously when I start getting ‘petty’. I have my moments but I can ‘nip it in the bud very quickly.

It’s easy to ACKNOWLEDGE the beauty of any place or situation we may find ourselves in that we like. I say that there is a ‘pony in here somewhere’ when I find myself in less desirable circumstances. It becomes easier and easier to look for the good and the beauty in everything and every one which, of course, includes  OURSELVES.

Say something nice
To yourself and

Others . . . every day.



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