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I (we) have just completed the third session of the ORGANIZE
YOUR LIFE class. I feel it went very well. People started seeing areas in their
life differently and gaining new
insights as they went along. It was so satisfying to see a ‘light’ turn on on
faces as they starting UNDERSTANDING some areas of their life that could use
some attention.
We talked about the whole concept of UNDERSTANDING something
as opposed to GETTING something. To
UNDERSTAND something is usually an intellectual
process, one in which we can actually learn
about how ‘life’, and other animate objects work. It is a process to take one step or lesson at a time to grasp
or UNDERSTAND how something works or how it ‘shows up’.
For instance, we can learn
how to do something, bake bread, ride a bike, write a letter and we soon can
UNDERSTAND the way it can work. When it comes to UNDERSTANDING things like, rules,
decisions, comments, attitudes, it may not be so easy. We can, however, make
the effort to UNDERSTAND it whether
we like it or not.
Now for the concept of ‘GETTING’ a happening at a feeling level. It is somewhat like being
punched in the stomach, a lump in our throat, a shock and surprise that shakes
us up a bit. These two concepts happen to all of us at one time or another.
They actually are to be expected as part of our life! Since we want to be as
AWAKE as much as possible, we can be OPEN to how we react to people and
situations and learn how to ACCEPT these emotions and accomplishments as they
I feel that both UNDERSTANDING and GETTING are achievements
as signs we are PAYING ATTENTION! We are AWARE of what is going on and that is a good thing!
As we go along in our
life, (knowing much more than we did before) we can be very proud of ourselves
when we do indeed UNDERSTAND and GET something new and clear. That means that
anything we face can be handled and achieved more easily. We may not fully
UNDERSTAND somethings, but it can lead us to an ACCEPTANCE of the way
things are!
Another side of UNDERSTANDING is to realize that our parents
and relatives as well as ourselves grew up during the DEPRESSION and that
counts for many attitudes about not wanting to let too many things go. The memories we all share about
those difficult times can make us UNDERSTAND how parents felt doing their best
to keep everything together. I have much more COMPASSION for people and their
fears about losing something than
before. I remember my dad saving a jar of 3inch long pieces of string, saying,”
You never know when you might need something like this.”
Here is the reward, as I see it. We can learn and experience COMPASSION
for OURSELVES when we don’t UNDERSTAND
or GET something. We can have COMPASSION for others who we know don’t UNDERSTAND or GET something, especially in an
environment that is so new and different as the VILLAGE for most of us. I
experience this everyday when I meet people or participate with others who are
not so AWARE and able to do things differently, meaning the way I would like for them to do.
Everyday is a new
Opportunity to
UNDERSTAND ever so many
And be grateful!
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