I love the word NURTURE…ING. It sounds very juicy, nourishing, and full of all good things. Kind actions and words, gentle intentions and actions are all a part of NURTURING. The ing part of NURTUR --ING is the action, movement aspect that is the most critical. It is what shows up in our relationships and in the world.

I have been AWARE of ‘NURTURING’ since I was a little girl. All I ever wanted was to be a mother and a teacher. I have been blessed to be both, to this day. I wasn’t as AWARE of NURTURING myself while I was raising my family as I am now. Over the years, I have learned the importance of NURTURING myself by PAYING ATTENTION to all aspects of my life; my body, mind and spirit as much as possible. It certainly has paid off because even though I am older and can’t do (or want to do) many things I used to do and love, I can and do take care of myself.

It was so easy and automatic to NURTURE my children and other people in my life. My attention was basically on the family. Since they have grown up and have families of their own, I turned within to see how I could best NURTURE myself. I started out by doing what I loved.

At the top of the list is gardening. I loved gardening both outside and inside. I spent a good deal of time puttering in all ways in my garden the last 15 or so years here in Gainesville. When I moved to the Village I asked for a garden bed, which I have enjoyed. I have also loved HOUSEPLANTS and have recently realized that houseplants are my ‘gardening’ now.

They are easy to grow and care for, so varied in beauty and so fulfilling to NURTURE. I have just ordered 2 indoor gardening books by a master, Tovah Martin. She is ever so inventive, creative and resourceful, it is hard to not be INSPIRED! She gives you step by step instructions and pictures of different plants that ‘work’ in the house. It has long been a source of pleasure and satisfaction in my life, an absolute thrill when I see a new leaf sprouting or a new flower bloom!

NURTURING plants is one of the best ways I can NURTURE myself with virtually no effort. Once I ‘pot up’ or re-pot a plant, I water it once a week- 10 days and watch it thrive. Anything that is thriving is being NURTURED, anything! Remember, anything that is worth doing or having takes some CONSCIOUSNESS and INTENTION to take care of it.  It is the best way to NURTURE myself and reap the rewards 100 fold!

I have 30 odd plants in my apartment and intend to have more, especially if one dies or doesn’t thrive. I began with one plant, an African Violet because they are beautiful, bloom month to month, need very little attention and water and can grow slowly in just the right (not sunny) spot. Picking dead blooms and leaves off  occasionally makes the plant smile and me too!

I feel that everyone needs at least one houseplant to NURTURE in their home to remind them that they are a part of NATURE and something they can care for.

Buy one
and try it,
 you’ll like it
so will the plant!



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