As we might all know, there are HAPPENINGS in our lives everyday. Some are small, some medium and some very large, indeed. They are truly everyday occurences and some are easier to ‘accept’ than others.

Last Sunday, I was determined to dig up a favorite plant from my garden bed and ‘pot it up’ in a nice container. In my enthusiasm, with my right foot inside my garden bed and my left foot trying to get into my bed, I tilted backwards and my left leg took a slide down on the edge of the bed, resulting in a 3 inch cut straight across my shin bone. Somehow in all the frenzy, I managed to dig out the plant, plop it into a pot and proceed to step out of the bed and walk to the Village. A friend had stepped into the garden area at precisely the moment I did this and generously helped me by taking me to the emergency room close by.

I didn’t need stitches ( skin is too thin at the shin to stitch) only glue and some healing strips. I was amazingly blessed! It could have been so much worse. The wound didn’t even hurt, just bled a lot. So I have been taking extra good care of my wound and myself to heal faster.

I was rather locked into why did this happen? What does it mean? I definitely tend to analyze HAPPENINGS to shreds. Today someone close to me told me he had lost his cell phone. Now that is a big deal for many of us but for him it was gargantuan. Figuratively speaking, his life is in that phone. I, of course, was analyzing the situation and he reminded me that Life HAPPENS. People experience situations everyday that are very challenging, to say the least but the KEY, the Crux of the matter is that it all depends on how we RECEIVE and RESPOND to the situation that MATTERS.

Now I know this but I had completely forgotten this concept that HAPPENS to be the TRUTH. When I look back at some of the situations in my life, I totally REACTED instead of RESPONDING in a way that would ACCEPT what is HAPPENING and choosing what I can do about it. It sounds so simple but it is not. It is a wake up call to LOOK at what is HAPPENING and go from there.

We have all been shown an example of how others REACT to most situations and it is not a pretty picture. Conditioning is a major factor in my life that has affected me in most areas. Now I can watch myself REACT/RESPOND to HAPPENINGS and go from there. It is a RE-TRAINING of old patterns that have run us most of the time.

After the initial shock wore off and I could actually experience that I was not badly injured, I started being thankful for help that was there, medical treatment that was quick and easy and I could walk and do virtually everything in my life as before. I even had the luxury of having time to rest and restore myself, which I am still doing.

So my conclusion is that LIFE HAPPENS and we do have a choice most often in how we handle it. I’m not in any way making ‘light’ of mishaps and tragedies, just observing that basically LIFE is good and I am thankful for all the beautiful insights I receive. I’m also grateful for TIME, heals all wounds.

Live your life
No matter what



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