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Now there is a word, WAITING that usually elicits boredom,
frustration and irritation in most of us. We can choose WAITING as a game we all are forced to play whether
we choose to or not. It truly is considered an inconvenience we would do most
anything to avoid. At some time or another in everyone’s life we confront this
bit of annoyance of inconvenience.
When this happens to us under the best of circumstances, we
handle it in a variety of ways. We can become irritated, blame someone, blame ourselves, angry, uncooperative, fearful
unpleasant. This is a result, as I see it, that we are grossly inconvenienced
because circumstances are not going our way.
We can look over our current life and see how that has come to pass.
For example, moving into the Village, there might have been
many inconveniences and waiting time
for each of us to ‘get on the road’, and get ourselves settled the way we’d
like to.
So . . ., what can we do to make life a little more fluid?
Here are some of the actions and attitudes I have acquired
because I know this phenomenon happens
and I refuse to just go along with the usual reactions many of us feel.
When I know that there is at least a chance I’ll have to
WAIT somewhere, an appointment, a plane flight, a place in line, a meal, a
meeting of an frriend, I am prepared. I have a dear pocket book called The
Pocket Haiku by Sam Hamill (published by Shambala) that I carry with me like my
purse. It is about 2in. by 4in. in size, so easy to carry. Whenever I have to
wait or pass the time and want to be inspired, I open the book to any page in
the book, and Voila…I’m transported to uplifting and meaningful reading and
BREATHING. We can even count our breath and focus on our belly. Athletes and
singers have to learn to do this themselves or they won’t accomplish what they
intended to get out of their endeavor.
Sometimes I just sit quietly and breathe a very conscious
breath in and out , concentrating on the breath. When thoughts amble by, as
they are prone to do, as are the clouds, I acknowledge them and go back to my
WAITING might be a good time to write a letter, write in a
journal, write out our frustrations , create something and/or doodle about
anything. All these can take our mind off irritation and IMPATIENCE, at least
to some degree.
When we think about what the annoyance, impatience and
irritation does to our selves it seems beneficial to our bodies, minds and
spirits to INTEND to apply some beneficial relief to ourselves.
When I am annoyed about WAITING ( which happens from time to
time), I’m becoming more and more CONSCIOUS AND GRATEFUL that I have some game rules to help me remember how to
take care of myself. It seems to make the time spent WAITING much more pleasant
and productive. Besides I’m in much better spirits when I finally ‘get my turn’
and go on with my business. I’m happy and more congenial and so is the ‘other’.
Remember, when we have to WAIT, there is a good reason,
someone may need more time because of a great need and we mustn’t take it
personally that we are ‘being kept WAITING.’ A great lesson in COMPASSION, to
be sure.
It can help
To enjoy waiting
When we think
How long it takes to grow a
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