I’m sure we are all AWARE of CYCLES. The most familiar one probably is the CYCLES of the moon. As young women, our ‘monthly’ CYCLES. Have you ever NOTICED that we have and are in CYCLES everyday? I feel different in the morning than the afternoon. I can feel a shift happening from one day to the next . . .from one year to the next. It is part of the ‘Universal Happening’ everywhere. I recently watched a documentary called the Planet Earth showing 4 major areas in the world and how they all are so different from one another. However, they are the same in regards to each living creature needing to eat in order to survive. It was fascinating to see the myriad of creatures, colors, environments and landscapes.

The CYCLES of LIFE move and change with each day, really. Notice how the sun shines on something and the next day or two, it shines at a slightly different ‘slant’. I love to watch the shadow in my bedroom showing a silhouette of a fern plant on the wall. I get to enjoy two beauties. All we have to do is NOTICE. LOOK around and NOTICE what it is you are ‘looking’ at. Notice how it changes. Ah a key to our life, change.

I have become AWARE of so many CYCLES in my life over the past few years. Starting with college in California (from Wyoming), teaching school, marriage, children, divorce, ‘growing myself up’, moving to Florida 15 years ago and now here I am at the Village and very happily so. I am creating a whole new and fulfilling life CYCLE here.

The letting go of my home and garden, moving into my new home at the Village, my interest in various activities here. Each one is a CYCLE I look back on with joy and a feeling of accomplishment, as well as the bumps in the road along the way. I NOTICE that sometimes I feel more outgoing than other times. It has taken me a long time to accept that about myself, but I too am in a CYCLE, even if it is for a day or more.

This time of year is a marvelous time to PAY ATTENTION to CYCLES. The days are getting longer, the plants and trees are blooming, new shoots popping up through the earth. The warmer weather is an invitation to go outside and just smell the air. It’s a happy time for me because last spring I planted my herb garden and what joy I derived from that! Watching growth, smelling delicious fragrances, seeing different textures, all delicious! I have given up my herb garden and moved onto houseplants, around 60 of them! Amazing! I love them as much as herbs and they are so much easier for me to take care of now.

It’s easy to trace the CYCLES in my life if I divide the year up into seasons. I can see my progress in my life in all its facets. AWARENESS of my life, my health, ideas, relationships, inspirations and accomplishments are the compass and the guides for my life. I’m grateful for CYCLES. They are steering me in the direction I choose to go. I hope you enjoy your ‘CYCLES’!



  1. So true Julanne. I love the cycles and how everything changes.!


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