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SOMETHING is such a wonderful vague word. It could mean a thousand different things (another vague
word) depending on the context. . . . SOMETHING is, SOMETHING was, SOMETHING
will be. . . Whoever knows? It reminds me of a mystery word that sets us buzzing.
I hadn’t thought much about that word SOMETHING until I saw
a most uplifting movie called “Christopher Robin”. Yes, of the Winnie the Pooh
gang. It was sheer delight! Christopher Robin has grown up, with a wife and
daughter, working for a sinking luggage company. Through misadventures he
connects again with the ‘friends’ of old in the hundred acre wood. The
‘friends’ are most adorable, like stuffed animals that move and talk. A real treasure!
Winnie the Pooh has many wonderful sayings, one of which is :
Doing NOTHING often leads to
The very best of SOMETHING.
Now isn’t that just like him? So simple, so clever, so TRUE!
I love this little
guy and all his friends who are so unique, sincere, authentic and LOVEABLE.
They teach me a lot about RELATIONSHIPS and facing
all FEARS and UNCERTAINTIES. They totally SUPPORT each other and adore and honor Christopher Robin,
hanging on his every word. You can see and feel how happy they are to see him
I’m also reminded of the movie “Sound of Music” when Julie
Andrews sings, (words to the effect) SOMETHING comes from NOTHING. . . Another
Back to SOMETHING . . . how many times have you said, ‘I
wish there was SOMETHING to do? Surely there is SOMETHING we can do about . .
.? Maybe we can find SOMETHING . . . It is so vague and yet we all know what it means.
Most of the time I have run around in circles trying to figure out SOMETHING to solve my dilemma
or make me feel like I’ve accomplished
SOMETHING. It can be crazy making. More and more I do NOTHING, while sitting
quietly and ‘letting the dust settle’ before I jump up and proceed. It works
ever so much better, more efficient, saves time and effort, and becomes this
calm sea of certainty.
I am ever so grateful for this insight. Just think it was
from a sweet little bear, and some deep reading I’ve done. Such a relief. Mind
you, it is not easy, not for one who
has thought I could fix ‘it ‘.
If there is SOMETHING
I have learned it is the pleasure and the relief of watching clouds go by
and knowing I don’t have to do a thing about it. When I can see and do
SOMETHING about SOMETHING, that is good too, but when I can’t. . . I simply WAIT and it always comes to me. Pooh said SOMETHING about this too. Such wise words
and thoughts from a dear little bear.
It’s good to watch your SOMETHINGS and your NOTHINGS and
learn to tell them apart. They are two sides of the same coin, really, we just
have to discern which is which!
I always get to where
I am going by walking away
from where I have been.
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