
Showing posts from June, 2019
Dan's photo? INTERIM You know what it is like when you are in ‘between acts’ . . .? An INTERIM, an intermission as it were? That’s where I am at the present moment. I am on the way to recovering from pneumonia, which is on it’s way out but left with no energy or ambition to do anything. I guess it is part of the ‘package’. What I am doing is realizing how much I have learned and absorbed these last 10 days, which is heart warming. I know that this will pass. It is IMPERMANENT. It is an OPPORTUNITY to LISTEN to my body and my heart and be STILL.   I’m doing what is absolutely necessary and no more. I had such a urge to write this morning and share with you all. I CLEARLY see the value in PRACTICING these ideals and truths so that when I really need them I have them tucked away inside to use. You have been a saving grace for me in allowing me to send my blogs to you, a friendly ‘ear’ and I realize, once again, how valuable that is to me, and I hope for you. It is ...
COMMITTEE MEETING DAN/ ELLEN LIGHT I’m beginning to see how LIGHT is a sheer blessing! The Village has been under siege of a new paint job for the last 3 weeks. It was my ‘turn’ to have my ‘wing’ done this week, 8 days in all, during which time they covered all the windows with sheet plastic.   LIGHT would come through but no ‘scene’ or view. I certainly have taken LIGHT and view for granted. I feel like an eye patch has been removed. I can’t complain because the painters have done a fine job and we have a gorgeous new home. I commend the workers for their patience and diligence. I’m realizing more than ever how well the ‘associates’ ( not employees) take care of us. They hire excellent people to do the job if they can’t do it themselves. We have had so little INCONVENIENCE, it’s amazing. Any change like this calls for an ADJUSTMENT on our part and we can choose how we want to handle it. Experiencing any inconvenience reminds me of the value of COMPASSION ...
MUSICAL NOTES COURAGE COURAGE comes in many forms, such as military people, mother’s giving birth, children going to school, teachers facing recalcitrant students, dealing with anyone who is very uncooperative, employers who are over bearing and prejudice, on and on it goes. Actually when I think about it we all are COURAGEOUS in our own world and our own strivings to make our life work. There are those moments when everything falls into place and we feel like we are sailing through our life like a light fluffy cloud. There are other times when we must face cruelty, disappointment, unfairness and anything that is a challenge. I know about COURAGE from many incidences when I feel panic, anxiety and overwhelm that are daunting. I’m discovering that when I NOTICE my feelings and sensations that are uncomfortable and I have a task to perform, or a place to go, that if I just BREATHE, pause and affirm that I have everything I need to proceed, I do proceed and with succe...
CLORODENDREN AWARENESS AWARENESS is becoming my middle name. Since I fell in February, I have become a ‘hawkeye’ everywhere I go and with every thing I do. I have been reading about AWARENESS for years, AWARENESS in how we CHOOSE everything. . . activities, foods, companionships, entertainment, books, etc etc. This is very important and very NECESSARY if we are to be happy and safe. Being AWARE heightens my CONSCIOUSNESS and abilities to WAKE UP and be ALIVE. AWARENESS also makes me even more aware and SENSITIVE to what is going on around me and how people are treating others.   At the VILLAGE I am keenly AWARE of how the employees (servers) are with residents. It is such a pleasure to talk or be with an employee and feel how he/she is with me. I have never experienced anything but COURTESY and HELPFULNESS! Now that is saying something! I APPRECIATE each and every person here for all they do. I have also NOTICED how some residents are with employees. This is ve...