I’m beginning to see how LIGHT is a sheer blessing! The Village has been under siege of a new paint job for the last 3 weeks. It was my ‘turn’ to have my ‘wing’ done this week, 8 days in all, during which time they covered all the windows with sheet plastic.  LIGHT would come through but no ‘scene’ or view. I certainly have taken LIGHT and view for granted. I feel like an eye patch has been removed.

I can’t complain because the painters have done a fine job and we have a gorgeous new home. I commend the workers for their patience and diligence. I’m realizing more than ever how well the ‘associates’ (not employees) take care of us. They hire excellent people to do the job if they can’t do it themselves. We have had so little INCONVENIENCE, it’s amazing.

Any change like this calls for an ADJUSTMENT on our part and we can choose how we want to handle it.

Experiencing any inconvenience reminds me of the value of COMPASSION for people that live in most undesirable situations and things never change. I consider us spoiled when we are asked to endure some hardship or inconvenience like covered windows.

I was surprised how much the windows being covered affected me. I found that I needed to go outdoors, take a walk, or even sit on my favorite bench to watch the world go by. Right now, the sun is shining, casting long shadows across the yard and it is a gift. The things we do take for granted. I feel my life is a gift everyday, waking up to such beauty. I also noticed that my houseplants kept me ‘company’. I have 62 or so houseplants and they were smiling at me everyday, keeping my spirits up. They are so easy to care for that it made me happy to just look at them! Fortunately none of them were affected by the low-Light.

So now when I look out I can APPRECIATE what I see.

Alas, I have been
Good in my life.



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