I have long been fascinated by the word WILL. I think of WILLFULNESS, WILLINGNESS, STRENGTH, FORTITUDE, DETERMINATION, COURAGE, etc. WILL can be a positive or a negative attitude or action. Think about what it takes for anyone to begin something new, a new job, new school, marriage, new baby, new ‘rules’, anything. It takes the WILL to enter into a new world of growth and accomplishment.

I can think of numerous times in my life when I had to use my WILL to proceed in order to achieve what I wanted! I feel that the WILL is propelled by COURAGE, like the WILL is the bottom line and all the other attitudes buoy us up. I am also very AWARE of all the heroes in history that used their WILL to succeed.

The WILL is a mechanism, if you ‘will’ that each of us bring forth in our consciousness to proceed toward our ‘goal’. It is a gift we are each given. We can choose to use or not. It is like a secret hidden way back in the recesses of our mind and heart to be used when needed, like electricity. The WILL is so powerful, we can’t even describe it, but thankfully always there.

 I often have anxiety and sometimes panic when I wake up in the morning and sometimes throughout the day. I take medication, breathe consciously, exercise, read, watch my thoughts and yet there are times it persists. I have felt this way while writing my blog, especially when I speak up about something! It is a sure sign that I am to proceed! I’m grateful for the nudge!

 I had an experience that really helped me this morning. I imagined my ‘inner child’, the child within who looked exactly like myself when I was between 2 and 3 years old. I have a couple of photographs of myself at these ages in my bedroom that I see everyday.

She ‘appeared’ to me, ‘siddled’ up next to me and never left my side. She is still ‘here’! She is supporting me to be calm, focused and happy, even if I do feel anxious about something. Interestingly enough excitement can trigger the same sensations. So now I have a friend, a confidant, who is with me at all times whether I realize it or not. I’m keenly AWARE that I am using my WILL to deal with all of this! It gives me reassurance and COMFORT. Using my WILL is my way of demonstrating to myself that I do have some say in what is going on for me; even if I have some sensations!

There is also the other side of the coin and that is to NOT use our WILL to cause harm or selfish acts that can be detrimental to all concerned. I read about this very subject this morning in the Tao te Ching, lesson 55.

It is said,’ there’s a way
there’s a WILL’
            Lao Tzu



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