This is indeed the time of year we call AUTUMN. It is one of my favorite seasons because of its comforting breezes, uncertainty in its sun rays along with some trees losing their leaves, which have been showing up from early spring until late fall. It calls out for warmer clothes, soups, hot drinks, lovely spices in our food and a delicious slowing down of some of our activities.

Growing up in Wyoming, I remember the leaves changing colors on the trees, then in a breath, the trees were left bare, stark and mysterious. I played in the leaves that fell in our front yard, making 'rooms' in which I could play house, and of course the bouquets and arrangements I could make out of Virginia Creeper vines from my god-mother's garden.

Some people think that AUTUMN is the end of summer and 'all the fun time'. I feel it is the beginning of a new time for us to APPRECIATE what we have, what we are given, what we receive. The HARVEST is a time to be THANKFUL for our bounty, food, NATURE, any and all gifts we receive. ABUNDANCE! I never forget to be GRATEFUL for EVERYTHING I receive, even when it feels horrible because it reminds me that just 'around the corner' there is an AWAKENING and a NEWNESS of spirit awaiting me. My INTENTION is to remember this when I'm in the 'middle' of it.

This AUTUMN is particularly poignant because of the present circumstances in the world. The timing of everything potentially unpleasant, drastic and/or imperative is fast approaching. I feel that everyone has his own view of the situation and I'm doing my best to feel and think as positively as possible. I am beginning to 'really' KNOW that basically there is good and upliftment in everything that seems so challenging right now. 

I 'see' AUTUMN as  time of change, subtle and dramatic at the same time. There are still many beautiful and wondrous events happening, still blue sky always present whether we can see it or not. People doing their best to help others, be kind, generous and loving. For most of us there is a plenty of food, resources, assistance, inspiration and progression if we CHOOSE to 'look' and be OPEN. 

The change to AUTUMN can be a sign or a signal to us to PAY ATTENTION, refocus our AWARENESS to something profoundly positive and 'do-able' if we just GENTLY shift our focus away from the alternative. We ALWAYS have a CHOICE about our attitude even if we feel we don't have a choice about what we want!

This is an extremely important time in our history. We are awaiting the process of VOTING and the OUTCOME of that voting process. It is a time of being AWARE of what is going on without fighting it or bucking the system. 

THIS IS NOT EASY OR AUTOMATIC!!! However it is do-able if we address our concerns one at a time as much as possible and know that within each of us is a place, a LIGHT, if you will, that burns for the GOOD that we know is present. Each of us truly BELIEVES in certain truths that we are SURE are accurate. My criteria for TRUTH is that it serves EVERYONE and not a selected group of those who think otherwise.

May we all open our minds and hearts

 to delve deeply in our hearts and rise

 to the TRUTH for us All!

It is THERE I KNOW it! 



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