During the past few months I have been so much more AWARE of my needs and desires than ever before. I have taken so much for granted in my life, the ebb and flow of money, necessities, contacts, supplies, etc. I have TRUSTED that ebb and flow without much effort on my part. Now I'm completely AWARE of my PREPAREDNESS in all these ways as well as my abilities and interests in life's offerings.

As I leave my apartment for any reason, I have a check list I go by of what is needed and wanted for me to be safe and mobile. I love the CONSCIOUSNESS and GRATITUDE I feel each day for this AWARENESS. I also NOTICE just what I really need and what is just a flash of a thought of something that would be nice to have. It actually is very freeing to RECOGNIZE these things.

Being a Brownie and a Girl Scout, I learned early of the necessity and value of 'Being Prepared'. I didn't know it then but now I clearly see the value of all this. I'm a born organizer so I keep track of what I need and have. It's automatic with me now. I have this thing about running out of certain items. This is one of the best and highest ways I take care of myself and I always feel good about that.

There is another kind of PREPAREDNESS that pertains to others. I was talking with someone recently and was told something that came as a complete shock to me! It was nothing that pertained to me per se but it was a bit of news that interested me immensely. It was something that sort of 'slipped out'. The person said she was waiting for the 'right time' to tell me.

I immediately realized that when there is 'bad' news to share it is best to PREPARE the other person with what I (or anyone) has to share, to begin the conversation with a statement like 'what I'm about to say may/will be upsetting or difficult to hear.' This PREPARES a person with a slight cushion to receive the 'bad' news. It's never easy to share news of this nature and even harder to receive it.

Another factor in sharing unpleasant news is to be selective when we share with another. Of course news must wait if one is in a situation when one can't receive it but not to wait till the 'time is right' out of convenience or  fear of how the news will be received. None of us have any control over how someone will receive anything! We can give COMPASSION and KINDNESS to the person by being in INTEGRITY and sharing what must be shared. I feel we have to give the other person credit to receive and deal with whatever the news is. 

We are on 24/7 alert as to our feelings, situations, endeavors and outcomes. We are holding our own in our own ways and it is remarkable! Change is ever present and we can PREPARE only so far each day. One day at a time is my MOTTO!I can and need to PREPARE for what I can and leave the rest to a higher Power.

Here is where we really show our stripes by the way we RESPOND to our situation! We are all amazing even when we don't feel our best and we will continue to carry on!

One day at a time

Is all we can do

We all have COURAGE to go forward.



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