Close to a peace PEACE ROSE
Last week was a monumental week for me in many ways. I was reminded that when I have a conundrum on my mind, what to do or when, I can be CURIOUS about it and not feel like I have to have a SOLUTION for it right this minute. I realize that I don't have to always have the answer to some situation! I have been practicing being CURIOUS about a few things and it is a huge relief! I can let somethings percolate on the back burner for now and just wait for the appropriate moment to proceed.
Considering all the ANXIETY that I, (as well as others I'm sure) have been feeling lately that it is a good and an acceptable feeling because these queezy feelings actually propel us to keep going and /or take the next action that is needed! This is remarkable to me since I have been trying for many years to do quite the opposite!
These I'm sharing with you because I know I'm not alone in these feelings. Sometimes these feelings can be daunting and incomprehensible to navigate. I feel certain it will be another 'tool' I'll implement when needed. I hope it is helpful to any of you that may need it.
it's interesting to watch myself when I experience happiness and satisfaction about my life. I feel settled and often at peace mixed along with excitement and gratitude! I was thrilled with the election results and then from left field, something can happen that throws me off my seat. something that I had no part in but feel like it was 'done' to me and all of us indirectly. Of course I'm speaking of the events of Wednesday and the aftermath of that event. I have had a hard time wrapping my brain around it all and feeling at a loss for the most part.
Here is a perfect example of my not trying to find a SOLUTION myself but to allow events to unfold. I do my part in the process by some mental envisioning and thinking but it can feel futile right now. Still, ANXIETY and all, I will continue to PRACTICE what I know and trust
It is a wake-up call for all of us, I feel, to keep our oar in the boat and not fall into too much upset. This calls for being KIND to ourself and others we encounter and not take anything personally! The whole issue of CONTROL and /or losing it seems to show up for me.
Feelings and opinions arise as automatically as the sun. We each have to deal with these issues in our own way. May we all be blessed with a sound mind and a still heart so that we can move forward in peace.
why so many different
events happen one
upon another.
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