I chose this picture because it reminds me of where we are right now. There are a lot of LUPIN all clustered together and in the background there is a gentle climb to OPENNESS and FREEDOM!
We have just celebrated a NEW YEAR, however that may be and we are now looking forward to a NEW YEAR, however that may be. I feel a HOPEFULNESS in the air even though situations are UNCERTAIN and a strain is on all of us. I have spent the day repotting and potting plants and that makes me very happy and I have a feeling of fulfillment. that is something I can become INSPIRED doing. It is usually easy for me to find activities that INSPIRE me and follow through with them.
I recently watched a movie called "the Darkest Hour", the story of Winston Churchill and his struggle with World War 11. I've seen other versions of this but this one really spoke to me because he had a firm determination to keep on fighting. I never realized before the opposition to him was so strong. In one scene he is being driven somewhere and announced to the driver he had never ridden a bus. At a stop light, he promptly got out of the car and found the 'subway' in London.
After people had composed themselves realizing this was the Prime Minister, he began talking to people about their views about the war. They all agreed that 'we' should keep on fighting. Winston looked at a 10 year old girl and asked her a question pertaining to fighting or 'giving up'. She looked him in the eye and said "NEVAH"! The look on his face totally changed to INSPIRATION and he knew what he had to do.
That probably was very event that changed everything for Winston in terms of his a determination to WIN the war! It was one of his 'mottos' during the war, 'NEVAH GIVE UP!"
It takes so little if we are OPEN and RECEPTIVE to what is around us! It's everywhere! Maybe that is why the photo of the LUPINS struck me so strongly. All we have to do is LOOK UP!
In a way we are in our own kind of 'war', with all the UNCERTAINTY, LOSS and FEAR that is present.
What we all do have is COURAGE, PERSISTENCE and COOPERATION available to NEVAH GIVE UP!
We can envision a day when
we can experience
new beginnings.
A NEW YEAR! A new OPPORTUNITY to 'LOOK UP' and SEE what is in front of us, before us and step up to the 'plate' to see how we can INSPIRE ourselves and others.
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