The other night I had an extraordinary DREAM. I was in an empty lot with a cyclone fence around the lot and a few dried weeds. Not a cheerful place. I saw a young girl about 13 standing across the lot alone as if waiting for someone. I walked over and started talking to her,. She was very responsive and in a matter of moments we were feeling very close. She had cancer and when I realized her situation and the loneliness she felt, I was completely connected to her.
After talking for sometime, a woman came to the gate. I asked her "What should I be doing now?" she said, "Just what you are doing." I had been waiting for 'someone' in that lot but I didn't know who or what for. I was in a 'lot' at a hospital, St. Jude's Hospital where children with cancer are treated. I realized in that moment that I could support the parents whose children were being treated. It was a revelation because (in real life) I had seen several ads from St. Jude's Hospital, showing children and their parents there in all their pain and hope.
I write Small Stones, a form of poetry I love and also do some watercolor painting which I love. I saw myself (in the dream) guiding small groups of parents to do these activities (as a therapy break) while visiting their children in the hospital. It was so gratifying and helpful for these parents who were hurting so badly because of their children's suffering.
These 2 activities were available to any parent there for even a 'drop in' sort of arrangement. I saw myself young and full of devotion to these families at the hospital. I then saw that anyone interested in this sort of support could do this as a service and really make a difference in so many lives.
When I woke up and 'came back to earth', I was very excited. I had the thought that if I were able to, I would start a new 'therapy' for anyone interested in this way of helping others. I still think that there are people who would love to do this kind of service. When I watch these ads my heart is wrenched and yet uplifted to see how children, families are being cared for. This is the only ad I watch.
It makes me so AWARE of how this disease and many others can strike a child of any age from 'left field' so to speak and how devastating it must be to witness. I am forever GRATEFUL that my family is healthy. I'm also AWARE that people who have significant DREAMS can and do carry them forth and create some kind of service for others. Never underestimate the POWER of a DREAM!
and they might
come true!
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