When I went for a walk yesterday around the lake, I watched as these tiny pink flake like twirley things came falling all around me. They were so beautiful, they reminded me of soft blossoms falling from a tree. I picked one up and saw that it was a SEED inside this precious pink pod. It was gorgeous with teeny tiny stripes of a deeper pink running across the whole pod which was about an inch long. It had a gentle curve, with this tiny seed at one end of the pod.

It was as though it was 'hand made' by God, one SEED per pod. It was from a Maple tree. I marveled at the fact that the very tree it came from, which was very tall, had started from a SEED just like all the ones falling to the ground. It was astonishing to me to think that every tree, flower, vegetable, animal, person starts out as a SEED!(maybe some things have a different way of starting out!) 

I decided to bring home 5 pods and soak them in a shallow bowl of water to see if they might open up. I did break one apart to see the SEED and found a hard brown SEED about the size of a sunflower SEED. A fairly nondescript looking little item that opens up and grows into a huge tree! It was a WONDER!

SEEDS are indeed a wonder to me, SEEDS in NATURE, seeds in our minds called THOUGHTS, IDEAS. and INTUITIONS. I was talking with someone who mentioned a couple things that were bothering her. After talking for awhile and I shared some solutions that might support her in dealing with them. As we were saying good bye, she commented that she felt inspired to make some changes. I felt so grateful that she had opened up to me! This little exchange were SEEDS that were planted to support her in making her life flow more smoothly. It really can be that simple, just to 'open up' and let new information come in so INSPIRATION can do the work.

Experiences like that with people or( even by myself) is what makes me feel that I am ON PURPOSE in my life! I love to serve and support as best I can. I'm learning that when any IDEA pops up in my mind it is a SEED being planted! This applies to myself or in sharing with another. It's completely heartwarming to me that I get to realize once again that there is a higher purpose for each of us to experience and explore. 

SEEDS are scattered 

all around

waiting to sprout!



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