RECOVERY is such a broad word! The dictionary says to 'get back something lost'. . . I am RECOVERING from a few events in my life at present, the precious loss of a dear friend, a cyst in my eye, the trauma of being AWARE of millions of people's losses and trauma over the past 14 months. Losing a certain kind of freedom to go and do what I want. Some of these LOSSES are irretrievable or at any rate not RECOVERABLE for the most part.
RECOVERY to me is the ability to face whatever is happening, allowing the situation to engulf us and allow the pain to wash through us then let go and bring us back to a stand up position. The memories will always be there. By being WILLING to go through the pain of the loss, we will come to a resting place. It will take some time, and is not to be rushed by any means, but nothing ever stays the very same. It will transform into a new PLACE in our hearts and be like a scar. which shows but doesn't hurt so terribly.
One of the things i am learning through all my experiences is to 'go with the flow' of whatever is happening. It is not easy by any means but I feel there is a part of me that is comforted even if no one is around. It is so very real and it is a part of Life. It is part of the 'growing up' process. It feels so unfair, however none of us is alone.
I am so grateful for my interests and hobbies ,if you will, to be there when I come up for air and can attempt at least, to do something I enjoy. I feel this is essential to regain our BALANCE. I know I write about this often but I feel it so deeply. It isn't exactly like knitting a sweater, where we can come back to the last 'row' and continue on. It is more like RECREATING something a new from a different PERSPECTIVE. It requires an INTENTION and a desire to RE-CREATE something of importance and INSPIRATION.
PERSPECTIVE is the 'name of the game' as I see it. When I walk around the lake here, I often stop at one of the benches and sit for a bit to write or just sit and take in the beauty. The other day I sat on a bench I had not sat on before and it was almost like a different place. It had all the same features, the lake, the fountain, different birds and ducks, trees, but it felt new to me. I realized right then that that is the best way to look at LIFE in a CONSCIOUS recognition of different VIEW POINTS.
Being KIND to myself and
KIND to others who are hurting
is the best 'medicine'
I can use to RECOVER.
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