Now how is this for a MOTHER'S DAY greeting to you? A MOTHER goose and her gaggle. This is too cute! I couldn't resist sending this to you on such an auspicious day!
MOTHER'S DAY has been a special day for me for ages. My dad would always buy my mom and me a carnation corsage every MOTHER'S DAY, white one for me and red for my mom ( or the other way around, I can't remember.. My mom's mom was deceased). It always felt special to me.
I was a blessed child with a wonderful, loving MOTHER that I treasured all her life.We had a very sweet, fun and solid relationship, one filled with laughter, conversation and security. I felt her presence at every curve of my life, full of support, love, affection and respect. I could always depend on her.
I felt her attention and her guidance at all times. I do wish she had 'pushed', encouraged is a better word, for me to strive a little more than I did. I have had to 'grow myself up' in that regard since adulthood.
She guided me about being a good daughter so that guided me into being a good MOTHER myself. I loved being a MOTHER! I still do! MOTHERHOOD is tricky, just how much to guide, support or communicate so that there is always LOVE as the bottom line. I think I have succeeded in that for the most part, and I'm proud and happy that I am a good MOTHER!
I'm very aware of the fact that there are people who do not feel a close bond with their MOTHER, due to various and sundry reasons. My heart goes out to you for that lack in your life. Some have made peace with this fact and others are not able to. I did have a thought that I'd like to offer and that is that instead of 'looking and hoping' to have someone show MOTHERLY attention to you, that you might instead 'show a 'MOTHERLY' attitude toward someone or perhaps many people you meet or know. Even a friendly hello, a smile, a few minutes to listen, compliment. I find 'putting myself out a bit" eases any pain I might be feeling of separation.
The reason this came up for me to share is that I recently had a difficult conversation with someone whom I love dearly, who felt I was not attentive to her when she needed it. I apologized to her and we're talking again but what I learned out of that experience, (which was not pleasant for either of us ) was not to wait, but to reach out and check in to see what's happening. I did that to someone today and it made both os us happy!
There is another element to MOTHERHOOD and that is all of us being CHILDREN OF THE EARTH. The EARTH is our MOTHER! Always was and always will be. We can turn to her for solice, beauty, productivity, nourishment and acceptance of our livlihood and BE GRATEFUL!
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