Few pleasures inspire me like COLORS! This is a watercolor I did about 10 years ago at some gorgeous place during a class. It isn't much but it was my first landscape and I was very proud at the time. I have always been AWARE of beautiful COLORS for as long as I can remember. Growing up, I had a blue and white bedroom which I loved. When I would come into the kitchen in the mornings as a little girl, my mother would always say"oh, you're a blue bird today!" (depending on what Color I was wearing that day)I remember the COLORS of my mother's roses, lilacs, lily of the valley and peonies, ahhhh splendid!
About 20 years ago I took a watercolor class which inspired me to 'dab 'at COLORS since then but off and on. When I'm not inspired I just put it aside and focus on something else, like writing. I'm back now full of enthusiasm for painting! I 'study' watercolor on You Tube and and it is very inspiring!. My interest lies now in washes or anything that doesn't look like anything special. It is very freeing. Also it is enlightening to see how it turns out, often much better than I had imagined.
When I have perused the watercolor paints on You Tube, I swoon with the magnificent selection of COLORS and the depth of each hue (color). I NOTICE my greed surfacing wanting them all! I'm re-learning that there are 3 primary COLORS universally, yellow, red, blue and EVERY COLOR under the sun can be created by mixing these 3 primary COLORS together! Voila! It is like magic, and so much fun to try different mixes!
I also have been AWARE of the 'best' COLORS for me to wear when I had my 'colors done' in 1973. A friend of mine insisted I have a color analyst 'do' my COLORS with swatches of fabric that compliment my skin tone, hair, eyes and personality. Who knew? I can tell you that it was life changing for me. Guess what, I was wearing many 'wrong 'COLORS! I have followed their system in my wardrobe, home furnishings and even preferences. I NOTICE how 'at home' I feel in my clothes and I have saved lots of money in the process!Truly valuable!
Ever since I have started watercoloring 'this time', I'm so much more AWARE of colors around me. just looking around my apartment, noticing my plants and combinations and particularly outdoors, the COLORS of trees, grass, sky, ducks just about everything are magnified!
I very much enjoy reading about and seeing paintings of some of the great artists, particularly, Impressionists painting. I love Monet's work and when I read that he was going blind towards the end of his life, I could understand and 'see' why his work is so soft and muted, rather 'fuzzy', if you will. It's genius to create something so beautiful with a handicap. Inspiring!
I'm so grateful I NOTICE all the COLORS and beauty around me and APPRECIATE what is at my finger tips.
It is something
I enjoy everyday
and can benefit from.
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