The word SWOONING actually means, faint.
what I mean by SWOONING is to feel like I will faint when I look at certain scenes
like this one or hear, smell, touch, see, read something so delicious that I just about melt away.
SWOONING happens to me often; every time I go out for a walk here around the lake, see a beautiful bird fly over head, notice flowers and plants flushing out, hear 'my wren' sing outside my apartment, read beautiful words like poetry or so enticing and inspiring I can hardly breathe. Sounds silly to some but I'm sure there are folks out there who know exactly what I'm talking about.
I have long been an admirer of John Muir, the man who loved and relished Yosemite National Park and was responsible for Teddy Roosevelt's proclaiming it a National park as well as other parks. I love to pick up this book; "The Contemplative John Muir", by Stephen K. Hatch. It is Muir's contemplations and writings about his experiences while roaming Yosemite. Every time I read it, a bit at a time because it is too intensely breathtaking to me, I SWOON!
One writing from Muir while contemplating the giant Sequoia trees in Yosemite:
"the venerable aboriginal Sequoia, ancient of the other days, keeps you at a distance, taking no notice of you, speaking only to the winds, thinking only of the sky . . ."
"I wish I were . . .Sequoical. . ."
I'm lifted to another place and APPRECIATE not only what Muir wrote but how I have felt while visiting Yosemite, and other places of nature. What a gift to experience what he did and write it in such a way; he is sharing it with the world! Not everyone will appreciate his writings but I do And I'm grateful I have had those experiences in my life. It makes me realize once again, how IMPERMANENT so much of my life is, and has been and how PRECIOUS our time is here on the planet!
So, what do you SWOON about? What are experiences that touch your heart in a vey deep way and you cherish and relish those moments and happenings when they happen? They are as varied as the grains of sand on a beach and can be treasured by many for their allure. May you love and appreciate and NOTICE them as they drift by in your life like a dried leaf on the ground.
SWOONING guides me onto new and different experiences that I haven't NOTICED or been drawn to before. That is so cool! To AWAKEN to a new interest and delight that I have missed till now! I actually give credit to the times I have spent alone, during the pandemic and now, in freely CHOOSING my pursuits and interest with so much more AWARENESS. Being clear about what I DO NOT want to do is the key for me!
I remember once I picked this tiny yellow flower and I was SWOONING over this simple flower! The person I was with said, "Do you have to be so enthusiastic about everything?' I took that as a sign that I do PAY ATTENTION to a lot of things and APPRECIATE so very much. I would say it is one of my best ASSETS and I'm thrilled about that!
When I SWOON I'm
transported to a higher place
Just where I want to be!
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