PLEASURES BLEEDING HEART When I look around the VILLAGE, I find more and more scenes, activities, support and people that give me PLEASURE. It’s so easy for me to experience new aspects of my life at the Village. So much is available here and I’m open to more adventures everyday. There are several activities I want to try. One PLEASURE I have done is watercolor painting and I intend to do more of that. The activities I enjoy every week are exercise classes, swimming, gardening, meeting new people, writing my blog, teaching classes, my garden and generally enjoying each day to see what comes up. Every night when I get into bed at night I give thanks for a most rewarding and surprising day! Remember, you can rotate activities, or stagger them and you can rest whenever you want to! I love this new attitude I have adopted because I no longer fret and plan each day to the fullest. I derive much more satisfaction from being free and spontaneous a great deal of the ti...
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