Thankfully, I have just received a 'crash course' in the subject of WINNING! I have been fairly glued to the Olympics and have witnessed young people, one being a 14year old diver, who was phenomenal! Even the narrators were raving! I am AWARE of the fact that, I'd say all participants AIM is to win GOLD metals. I noticed a slight shift in some who won silver and bronze, one of disappointment for the most part, perhaps.They all can be PROUD of their achievements.
WINNING is such a big deal in cultures, far and wide! It is THE aim in life for many who aspire to WIN! It is a wondrous feeling for anyone who WINS anything. There must be that instant of gratification when one WINS, but what I noticed is that the team was extremely happy for the WINNER. There must be a thrill and a rush that happens like no other.
What was so apparent to me this time watching the events was that anyone who was participating was already a WINNER just by showing up, after working DILIGENTLY for YEARS to be there at that moment, doing what they do best. HOORAY for the SPIRIT and TENACITY that each one of the participants had! It takes tremendous COURAGE to stretch and stretch some more to achieve anything there! There can be no doubt that the participants experienced FEAR and anxiety, but they just went forth and gave 'it' their best!
I guess that the concept of WINNING goes back eons so it's doubtful that it will shift any time soon. But I have heard it said and taught, "It's not WINNING that is the most important but it's how we play the game."Tell that to someone who just lost by a zillionth of a second WINNING the gold. However the 2 runners up, silver and bronze contestants have indeed WON in their own way and are honored for that. I remember my father was almost always for the 'underdog'. I understand that much better now.
What I have loved watching and been very touched by is the team's SUPPORT of each other and the hugs, the high 5's, the tears and laughter and screams coming from the players! There was such sincere care and empathy for one another's welfare. One of my favorite things in life is watching any kind of team participation and support. It touches me so much because I see how anyone with a TEAM 'goal', whether its sports or whatever could COOPERATE and SUPPORT each other! It shows up so vividly when there is high INTENTION on the mutual goal.
Now back to my life and your life, how are we WINNING every day? We ARE winning everyday just by doing what needs to be done! Sometimes just getting out of bed can be a big feat! I just repotted 2 houseplants that have been needing my care for weeks. I didn't really want to do it but I did do it. It took me about 10 minutes and it was done. I WON that little back and forth argument and felt like a WINNER! Ah! its the little things. . .
Sometimes we are not a WINNER. We lose or mess up somehow and that doesn't feel so great. NOTICING, first of all, that we made the attempt to even try to do something and it didn't measure up to our expectations,(i.e. it didn't work out) is worth a whole lot. It's the ATTACHMENT to WINNING that is the stumbling block. Until we have trained in DOING OUR BEST and LETTING GO of the outcome, we will be disappointed in the results if we do not WIN. This is a vast subject because it is so subjective, it's happening to us!
I feel that knowing this bit of wisdom helps me go through the whole experience of trying, doing my best and accepting the results. This is where another practice comes in . . .experiencing ALL of the emotions that come along with sticking my neck out and trying! That means real MEANING and PURPOSE to me and I'm glad of that. That's my WIN!
Get the job done
Even if we don't WIN
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