When one plants a gorgeous rose bush like this Cabbage Rose, one has to have TRUST in the process that makes the rose flourish. the rose takes tender loving care; the right amount of sunshine, of water, of freedom from pests and some TLC in paying loving attention to it. This seems easy to do, but unless one is DILIGENT in its care the rose can quickly decline. I believe that this dear little rose TRUSTS the care taker to pay ATTENTION to it and care for it properly.

This act of TRUST applies to each one of us, TRUSTING a person, system, someone's word, facts etc. Something or someone we can RELY ON. I'm sure that we all may feel a twinge when I say this because of past experiences. I'm writing about this because I feel it is important! There are some things in this world I feel we can TRUST. The sun rising every morning, even when we can't see it, the seasons changing along with the calendar of the year, that we have a body, however it may be functioning and that at some point, we will pass on to 'something', we know not exactly what or when.

It's good to know there are somethings we canTRUST, even if we don't understand it or feel comfortable with it.  When I hear someone say something or even read something, I tend to TRUST they are telling me what's so, the TRUTH. Even when I hear something, whether it is pleasant or unpleasant, I do the same. It is heartbreaking to me when I experience something or someone whom I can't TRUST. or that is NOT true.

Sometimes I know that something is TRUE at that moment and then it can change, unexpectedly, like the weather. when a person suddenly changes his/her WORD without an explanation, I tend to go into a mode of not TRUSTING that person like I did before. It is a fine line we walk in keeping our WORD  and TRUSTING that the other person will do the same.

I finally have learned ( I hope) to COMMUNICATE to another person if I can't do what I said. I must say that the cell phone has been a great help in this area. Things happen, of course but ATTENTION needs to be made about our WORD and the other person's being able to TRUST us.

There has been a deluge of 'facts' and 'news' coming our way that certainly makes me question if I can TRUST 'this' to be TRUE and HELPFUL ! When I find out I cannot TRUST someone or something, I get very uncomfortable and scared, anxious, even panicky. It is as though I take it personally, when it might not be. What is one to do?

The most difficult aspect of this un-trusting- ness is to talk with them about it. Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't, if I'm too unsettled about it. However, one thing I do DO is make sure I'm TRUSTWORTHY, myself!  This is totally my responsibility to be clear about what I'm saying and wanting before I go off making plans or ('promises') I cannot or won't keep! Sometimes I can catch myself telling someone something that does not need to be said, it's inappropriate and 'gossipy'. It's very important to me to discern if it is helpful, kind 'news' or not.

Sometimes I think that other's MOTIVES are pure, only to find out otherwise. This happens in the world, especially and so I'm learning to not just 'swallow' the first thing I hear. It is a balancing act and we are RESPONSIBLE for what we 'take in' and watch the BLAMING game that is so easy to do. Other people's UN-TRUSTWORTHINESS is 'theirs.' We have enough of our own deciphering to tend to!

TRUST starts with us

Being TRUE to ourselves

Helps us TRUST!



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