Here is a word that is experienced by all of us at one time or another. It is not a pleasant sensation, I would say for anyone, certainly not for me. As insidious as it may be, there is help coming our way.  It takes concerted effort on our part but it gives us a positive attitude to take to get us through our maze.

WORRY, an extension of FEAR and something we think (WORRY) about, but we can NOT change the thing that hasn't even happened yet! Isn't that interesting? What we are WORRYING about is not real, a fantasy of sorts. So we are 'making up' what we don't want to happen. WORRY is about fear of LOSING CONTROL which we don't have anyway in most circumstances.

As we know and have experienced, we are unhappy, anxious, depressed and overwhelmed and many times become ill because of WORRY. I, for one, have experienced all these symptoms when I get 'sucked into' WORRYING. I still deal with anxiety and allow my mind to run amuck. Now I'm NOTICING much faster what I am doing and can shift my thinking to what I truly want in my life and VISUALIZE that as much as possible. 

I must admit that I am guilty of thinking in a flash, (not dwelling) on a bad outcome, like the worst thing that can happen. I quickly recognize what I'm doing and can VISUALIZE the highest outcome which puts my mind much more at ease. I also bathe the person or situation in the LIGHT and do my best to TRUST the highest outcome. I feel we all are being guided to our highest, as well.This can be done for a person or situations like we are facing now as a planet.

I do know in my heart that the better we take care of OURSELVES the better off we will be; that means physically, proper nutrition, exercise, pleasant activities with others and PAYING ATTENTION to our needs, such as being alone to focus on ourselves and our needs each day. Here we are again, talking about BALANCE. 

I have been feeling very strong frustration about the fact that I can't personally do more. I have narrowed it down to doing what I can through writing, PAYING ATTENTION and being KIND to all I meet. I have also been reminded of a particular practice that reaches out to all beings in my mind, embracing them all and including all living beings. It helps me to know that there is a kinship with all life, no matter what others may feel.

These are trying times for all of us, some more than others. It makes me wake up to what is going on and the CHOICES we all have to make as to how we COPE with it all. PERSEVERANCE and PATIENCE are 2 qualities that stands us in good stead. 

I personally turn to GRATITUDE

 for  all I HAVE and AM and 

that is a BLESSING.



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