Have you ever had a word go through your mind, over and over? I was reading about RHYTHM this week and it stuck. Since then I have NOTICED how much of LIFE is in RHYTHM! It's everywhere I look! The ripples in the water in the photograph displays a kind of RHYTHM. The way the wind blows the oaks and the spanish moss is in RHYTHM. The way I walk has a RHYTHM to it.
It has made LIFE more interesting to NOTICE my life EBB and FLOW in its own RHYTHM. It makes me practice PATIENCE often because things don't move as fast as I'd like them to at certain times or turn out the way I'd like! What can I do? I have CHOICES, at least 2, either RESIST what's happening or 'go with the flow'! I am CHOOSING the latter more often, I'm happy to say. The point is, I'M NOTICING IT!
Today I was entertained by several ducks (these were Muscovy ducks) swimming together and suddenly, simultaneously start skimming the water in a dance that seemed to provoke other ducks. It was beautiful and very humorous to watch this dance go on for several minutes. It was as though it was 'staged', so perfectly in RHYTHM they were. I loved being AWARE in the moment, of the RHYTHM of the dance!
At a very basic level, our BREATH usually happens in RHYTHM. It certainly can be directed to be so. There is a RHYTHM to blinking our eyes, swallowing, chewing, heart beats, even talking.
These all can be changed but when we are UNCONSCIOUS of what we're doing, our body just takes over and keeps us going! It's marvelous!Thinking about our lives in terms of the RHYTHM of our jobs, our recreation, our families, our involvements. It can be an OPPORTUNITY to do our lives A-NEW!
It's also very AMAZING to me when I expand my mind to include the RHYTHM of the physical world, the different RYHTHM of the rain falling, the streams flowing, the clouds moving, glaciers melting, . . . it's endless. sometimes it can't be fully understood, at least by the average person. It happens with so much of NATURE it cannot be ignored. It's like a movie sometimes, the way it moves!. I actually get excited just thinking about NOTICING the way our world works.
I have not studied or even read much about the solor system but I can imagine that everything works because of its own RHYTHM! As I'm writing this I'm reminded of Albert Einstein and the excitement he felt in his quest for the TRUTH about the Universe, everything!
How the UNKNOWN can be
Such a draw to
to be AWARE!
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