I Love learning new TRICKS for making life work a little more smoothly and successfully! Someone told me that when my computer or my phone acts up and won't respond to simply UNPLUG the cord from the source, and let it sit for few seconds or minutes 'off.' I also discovered doing that with my humidifier when it won't humidify. It is such a n easy solution and it works!
It's always wise to follow these strategies whenever I feel overwhelmed, perplexed or confused. i just stop doing what I'm doing and rest, read, listen to music, do a puzzle or walk. I'm UNPLUGGED from the 'tie' I feel at the moment. The more I ignore this little trick, the more frustrated I become. It is a 'way to peace' for me to get more balanced.
It's so easy to push and try to force a situation. It virtually always leads to more frustration and sometimes even breaking something. It doesn't work! It's like trying to shove a round peg into a square hole( or visa versa). I find it so interesting that when I PAY ATTENTION to what's going on, I realize how the 'outer world' and the 'inner world' reflect each other. We can learn so much by just PAYING ATTENTION!
Sometimes it is important to remember that we need to UNPLUG from some relationships that have changed into something different. It can be very uncomfortable and bewildering but I'm finding that when I can bless them and let it be the way it is right now, I can UNPLUG from the situation more easily. As we all know, CHANGE, when we don't want it or expect it can be very unsettling. So we can do our best to carry on with a light in our heart.
UNPLUG when we can't continue
RE-PLUG when the time is right
DISCOVER the difference!
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