One day, my son discovered some mold in the corner of my living room. It just appeared, or so it seems. I called Maintenance to check it out and sure enough, it was mold that had to be treated soon!
The Village provided a guest apartment for me for 3 nights. It was a lovely apartment, completely furnished and very comfortable. It was not far from my apartment so I brought some essentials with me and settled into new 'quarters'.
It was indeed UNEXPECTED but I have adapted readily and very well. (Big) changes are usually unnerving for me but I knew it was only 3 nights. This ADJUSTMENT made me realize how much I love my apartment, my furnishings, my view, my location and my BLESSINGS! To be relocated so effortlessly was such a gift. It could have been very daunting, but alas, it was not!
It also made me realize how fortunate I am to live in such a beautiful, 'easy' place and to be made to feel comfortable. It brought to mind the thousands of people who do not have homes for whatever reason and little or no comforts. It made me very AWARE and GRATEFUL.
UNEXPECTED happenings can show up at a moments notice . . .no one knows what lies ahead in the next few seconds! I have always been a PLANNER and I still am to some extent. On the other hand I used to love nothing more than to respond to an invitation or event at the last minute! Now, I am striving toward CONSCIOUSLY living my life being much more FLEXIBLE than ever before. It's working! I can 'go with the flow' 98% of the time, or at least accept what is changed much quicker! It takes PRACTICE and DETERMINATION to succeed at this.
One delightful thing happened to me a couple of weeks ago. I met a delightful woman here and we had lunch together today! We were able to share some interests and experiences that we both enjoy and I feel inspired and grateful to feel the connection. It was totally UNEXPECTED and delightful!
It just shows, that when I am OPEN and 'spontaneous' I can be give such riches and enjoyment to inspire myself and who knows what else?
While some people are out there shopping, planning, doing whatever they are doing, I just follow my heart and my gut and do what is the highest for me to do! My family is all away for the holidays so I will be flexible, UNEXPECTING of things to be a certain way, and ALLOW myself to just BE in the moment as much as possible. I'm actually looking forward to see what transpires in the days ahead, knowing that I can enjoy myself however I CHOOSE!
Give yourself a gift
and see . . .
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