This is a photo of a Wild Azalea tree that I planted in my back yard a few years ago. It is my favorite azalea and after seeing it in the wild I simply had to have one. 

Year after year, it would bloom in the spring and was so gorgeous, not only the flower but the scent. It was RESILIENT every year.

I'm learning a lot about RESILIENCE lately. I made some changes in my life recently in taking care of myself and gaining support that is needed. It was UNSETTLING for me, wondering if I made the right decision,etc. I have experienced that I made a very wise decision. 

I have experienced a new AWARENESS in just WATCHING myself either go with the flow or not. Somehow, a lot of the time I can feel RESILIENT! I can slide around in UNCERTAINTY for awhile and then in the blink of an eye, I'm in a different place. At least I know what is happening.

When I look around me, I see so much that is RESILIENT. I see it in people, certainly in NATURE, my plants after a drink of water for their care, my Spirit and mood. It is heartwarming to OBSERVE.

I have been reading about our BRAIN lately and what it can do and how it is so RESILIENT with the right circumstances and support. The whole field of caring for our body, mind and spirit is profoundly significant. I NOTICE a difference when I take care of myself CONSCIOUSLY, choosing my diet of foods, thinking, activities very  carefully and deliberately. 

I find I'm much happier, feel better and can enjoy LIFE more if I adhere to the WISDOM of scientists as well as my own inner WISDOM. I find it makes Life much more interesting and trustworthy. I'm also NOTICING that being AWARE of any change, favorable or unfavorable is very FREEING, just to know makes a huge difference for me.

I have been reading about the BRAIN as being very RESILIENT with proper care and support. It used to be thought that the brain was static or at least not able to 'grow' or change. However, scientists are finding the brain can be enhanced! It also said that our brain doesn't fully mature until age 25! I immediately thought of young people who get caught up in violent living. It makes it more understandable to me, perhaps why this happens. That is exciting! I'm very interested in new findings!

I watched a movie called "Life of a King" about a man who was released from prison after 17 years and taught kids how to play chess. These kids were resistant to learn at first, but their lives were changed forever by learning this skill. Talk about RESILIENCE!

All we have to do is watch 

NATURE to learn 




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